Halloween At The Barnyard

Happy Halloween! Since my patreon got a little compromised, I’ve been digging though and trying to sort out what I had posted on there that might have been deleted. This was a sizable furry commission that wasn’t posted anywhere else, but since it is the season, I thought I’d go ahead and repost it here. It’s from 2015 I think, and there’s also a sequel already written I’ll be posting to Sponsus, as well as a third entry in the series currently in the works! Hope you all enjoy it.

– Chapter 1 – 

“I know it’s the third time this week…yes, I know I promised I’d be there for dinner…I know you have to plan these things, but my inbox is just slammed right now, you know how it is…I know, but I have to get this done tonight.” 

Carl had the phone caught in the crick of his neck while he zipped up his backpack quietly, trying to keep the noise away from the speaker as best he could. Matt, on the other end was disappointed, but trying to be understanding.

“Look, I’ll be over in a few hours, just keep it warm for me, and I’m sure it’ll be delicious. Yes…Yes of course, I…I love you too.”

He hung up the phone and slung his pack over his shoulder. It was a little after six–he really had stayed late at the office, so he hadn’t completely lied, right? The thought didn’t make him feel better, even if it was the truth. He got in the elevator and headed down to the lobby, taking off his tie and stuffing it in his pack as he rode. He’d always hated wearing suits–he was a burly guy, and he’d never been able to find shirts that fit him very well in any store, and hiring a tailor was too damn expensive for him, but working out was one of the only things that kept him sane, where he could zone out and unwind. The gym was also where he’d met Matt. The two of them were both corporate types, working in the city, happy with their lives and happy with each other…sort of. Matt seemed happy at least. Carl had been happy–or, he thought he’d been happy, until that day a few months ago when he’d stumbled into what he’d thought was just a bar–a run down place in the next district likely to get gentrified–the only thing that marked it as anything at all was a cut steel sign hanging over the cracked sidewalk with a name on it–“The Barnyard.” He still couldn’t remember how he’d even found the place, and now he wished he never had.

He waited at the bus stop for a few minutes, got on and rode it for about twenty minutes, before getting off a few blocks away from the bar, but he knew that where he should be going was the gym, and then to Matt’s, but he hadn’t been going either place much recently. Actually, he’d pretty much stopped going to the gym entirely. He’d used to go after work, almost religiously–he and Matt would meet for a workout before heading over to one of their apartments for dinner and fucking. But he’d been staying “late at work” so much lately he’d nearly stopped going entirely…and it was beginning to show in his paunch and his chest. Matt had noticed, of course, and didn’t appreciate it. Carl blamed it on work stress and a new snack bar HR was providing in the break room. What he couldn’t bear to tell him was anything close to the truth, but he just couldn’t stop. He’d never felt this before, this sort of addiction. He’d never been a smoker, he’d never been a heavy drinker, but every night he skipped going to The Barnyard, it…it was all he could think about. He knew he had a problem, but he also thought he could keep a handle on it. He’d…get bored of him, eventually right? The worst part was that he didn’t feel bored at all. In fact, the reason he’d stopped going to the gym was because going to The Barnyard was better. More…satisfying. And as much as he hated to admit it, the reason he kept blowing Matt off was because it was better than anything he could give him, too. 

It had started out as a once a week thing. Matt usually had plans on Thursdays, and so Carl would just…go to The Barnyard instead. It wasn’t hurting anyone, right? Besides, Matt had mentioned that open relationships could work, so he’d be ok with this, Carl told himself, even though they had never talked…explicitly about being open themselves. But before long he’d needed to go twice a week, and now he was going almost everyday after work and on the weekends. Already, just walking down the street, his hands were shaking, his cock was hard, his mouth was dry. This couldn’t be normal–he felt like he was under some fucking spell. He just had to stop doing this, he had to. This wasn’t…normal. But he just kept walking in the crisp mid-October evening, the sun already setting behind the buildings making it even chillier, and he picked up his pace, ducking into the unmarked door that he never wanted to see again in his life, and where he couldn’t wait to get inside. 

The problem was that The Barnyard was more than a bar–it was also a front for a brothel specializing in…a particular kind of whore. Not that Carl had known that when he’d gone in the first time, but when the proprietor–a man he’d at first only known as Mr. Crice, but who had eventually insisted that Carl just call him Jimmy–had struck up conversation with him that first evening over a few too many beers, he had sown the idea in his mind. After all, there was no harm in a little fun, right? Besides, Jimmy insisted that his men he kept could provide experiences Carl could hardly imagine. He’d been drunk–he tried to tell himself, even now, that he was too drunk to know what he’d been doing, but he’d known better. There was just…something about Jimmy that had made the entire venture seem so much more…enticing than it should have been.

Inside the door was a narrow flight of stairs down into a basement, but then the hallway opened up into a surprisingly spacious bar–decorated accordingly, of course. The floor was covered with straw, the tables were perched on barrels with the chairs mismatched but equally worn, picnic benches and booths were scattered around the perimeter –like they’d been pulled collectively from a midwest flea market. A damp, musty smell lingered in the air, something which might just be laughed off as poor ventilation. It was still early but the bar already had a sizable crowd, though the crowd seemed divided into two camps. The first group, the bar regulars, was made up of working men and burly guys laughing and joking and having a grand drunk time having just gotten off of work. The other group was scattered about, each sitting alone at a table or the bar, casting glances at a curtain strung up in the back blocking a hallway from view–that’s what they were all really there for, after all, including Carl. Along one wall ran a thick walnut bar lined with stools, and there, wiping out glasses with his towel, was Jimmy. He was wearing his customary flannel shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows showing off his thick, hairy forearms, a few too many buttons unbuttoned exposing his mass of chest hair. From a distance, it was difficult to see where the man’s light brown beard ended and the forest below began. He turned to the door, saw Carl, and beamed a smile. “Well hey, Carl! Stu’s just finishing up with someone else in the back–why not join me for a beer while you wait?”

Did Jimmy have to seem so genuinely happy to see him? It would be so much easier if the guy at least admitted that he was trying to destroy Carl’s life. Still, he took a seat at the bar, but didn’t say anything. Without asking what he wanted, Jimmy pulled a pint of one of his house brews and set it down in front of Carl, who just stared at it dejectedly, running one finger through the condensation on the side of the glass.

“Alright, what’s the matter?”

“You know what the fucking matter is,” Carl snapped at him. Jimmy’s brow furrowed, and Carl immediately felt bad, even though he knew this was all Jimmy’s fault…somehow. He drank some of the beer to try and calm himself down–a bit more than he’d been planning. Just…all his beers were so damn satisfying. That was the real problem–this was satisfying. It shouldn’t be, but it was. He should already be satisfied, he should be satisfied with his job, with the gym, with work, with Matt, but he…but he wasn’t. None of that had been satisfying, not really, but he’d been able to pretend, until he’d found…this place. He took another, longer drink, leaving just a few swallows in the glass.

“Would you like to talk about it?”

“This is ruining my life.”

“All I do is provide a service, Carl. You’re more than welcome to refuse it.”

“Don’t give me that shit.”

“But it’s true, you know. If anyone is ruining your life here, it’s you. But if you really thought that, then you wouldn’t be here, drinking my beer, and waiting for Stu to finish up, now would you? So why don’t you be honest, and tell me what the real problem is.”

Carl drank the rest of the beer, and while Jimmy pulled him another one from the tap, he started talking, or confessing really. How he and Matt weren’t having sex much at all, and how it was because…because Matt wasn’t who he wanted to have sex with anymore. Sure he was handsome and muscular, but…

“But you want Stu, I get it.”

Carl hadn’t wanted to say it in so many words, but that was the truth, as much as it disgusted him.

“Look, I get it. I provide sex that most people never even dream about. It’s only natural that you might prefer this to real life. But if Matt can’t make you happy, then–”

“Matt does make me happy though! I just…I just wish that…I could have both…Fuck, that makes me sound like a selfish asshole…”

“Yeah…” Jimmy said, “Have you tried talking to Matt about this?”

“Oh yeah, that would go well. What the hell would I even say? ‘Hey Honey, see, there’s this whore house I go to, I hope you don’t mind.’”

“The word ‘brothel’ is a bit more polite.”

Carl rolled his eyes, “Because Matt would care about word choice.”

Jimmy sighed, “Look, all I’m really saying is that I don’t think you can go on like this, but you’re going to have to explain it to him eventually. Look, maybe…I throw a big Halloween party here at the Barnyard every year. You were already going to get an invite, of course, but…why don’t you bring Matt along with you? Who knows, he might actually enjoy himself too.”

“Are you crazy? I can’t bring him here, what would he think of me?”

“Now calm down,” Jimmy said, “This is…a rather special party. We provide the costumes, you see…and you’d be surprised by how realistic they are. Some even call them life changing. See, here’s something you haven’t considered–maybe all Matt needs is to experience you here, in your element. Maybe he just needs to see how much you could love him if…you know, if he was more…”

He didn’t finish, he saw Carl knew what he was going to say, and Jimmy let that sink it for a moment. “That’s not even…possible,” Carl said, shaking his head.

“Look, I pride myself on my establishment and the services I provide, but I also don’t think anyone should have to choose between their desires and their love. This would be a great opportunity for you to get out, have some fun, and introduce Matt to every side of you, you know? Because I know one thing–you can’t just keep bottling this up. I think he might come around, if he really loves you. At the very least he’d understand what’s going on, because I guarantee you, that he knows something is wrong already. More than anything, I know how much fun you’d have at this party, so with or without him, I’m going to insist that you come, and have a good time. But if he does come, I think it can only make your relationship stronger in the end.”

“But…what…” Carl didn’t know what to say. He really liked the idea…but he hated himself for liking it so much. “I can’t just tell him where we’re going–he’d freak out.”

“Leave that to me. You won’t be the only person bringing along someone…unfamiliar with my services to my party. I’ll give you some stuff to help you warm them to the idea during the day, and by the time they get here in the evening they’ll fit right in–trust me, I know what I’m doing–you’re not the first guy with this sort of problem I’ve helped out before.”

The curtain flipped to the side, and the second group of patrons turned to look at the man who slipped through, eyes down, and he waved meekly to Jimmy as he left. “You’re up Carl,” Jimmy said, “Same price as always.”

Carl set the five hundred dollars cash on the bar, walked over to the curtain and ducked behind it, the smell growing stronger as he did. Now it was more than just poor ventilation–it had pangs of sweat and musk, of mud, manure and wet straw.Hall led right into a locker room with a few open showers. Carl undressed and stashed his clothes, wrapped a towel around his waist, running one hand over his furry gut. He should leave, leave and ask for his money back, go home to Matt, eat dinner and pretend none of this even existed. None of this should exist. None of this should be possible. But it was possible, and there was no retreating from the facts. He put on a pair of rubber boots set next to the doorway on the opposite side of the room, and trudged down the hallway beyond it, lined with doors on either end, until he reached a door with a wooden sign hanging from it that read “Stu’s Sty.” He pushed open the door, his cock achingly hard, but paused in the doorway.

“Oh Carl, back again? Weren’t you here just yesterday? I’m so excited… *snort* You’re becoming quite the regular customer…”

Carl stood in the door, just…staring at him, there in the…mud and the straw. The smell was even more pungent here, and while weeks ago it had been a turn off, now it had him even harder. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t keep doing this, he couldn’t.

What are you waiting for, big boy? Get over here and let’s have some fun. I wanna get dirty with you…”

Fuck. Fuck it, just…seeing him, smelling him , hearing him. “Fuck, you’re so damn…sexy,” he whispered.

“Oh stop it. *grunt* Get in here, my ass needs a good stuffing.”


An hour and a half later–after a long fuck and a shower to get the sweat, muck and straw off him, Carl got dressed and left through the curtained hallway. The first group of burly men had grown, some of them making out at tables around the room, the air smoky with cigars and pipes, and a different set the second group were waiting impatiently–Jimmy waved at one, and he got up from his seat and went behind the curtain as Carl left. It was late, and he needed to get back to Matt’s apartment quickly, but Jimmy stepped out from the bar as he tried to make a quick escape and stopped him.

“I was serious, you know, about the Halloween party. You should come–both of you.”

“I…I can’t bring him. I can’t involve him in this.”

“I really think it would be good for your both, Carl,” Jimmy said, and handed him a small bottle stoppered with a cork. “Look, on Halloween eve, make sure he drinks this. It tastes a bit funky, but you can add it to a drink, or to food, and he doesn’t have to drink it all at once either–just make sure he gets all of it in him before midnight. On Halloween, he’s going to be hungry–really hungry, but you’ll be able to take care of that I’m sure. Just make sure you have plenty of food on hand–the more fattening the better…but  maybe stay away from bacon, that might be a bit weird. But this is the most important part–make sure he doesn’t get a good look at himself though–it might spoil things a bit. No mirrors, reflective surfaces, that stuff. The party starts at midnight–make sure you’re here before that, or you…well, just don’t be late. Just bring yourselves, it doesn’t matter how you dress–I’ll provide the costumes and plenty of entertainment. I promise your relationship will improve–no, I guarantee it.”

He pushed the bottle into Carl’s hand, and he looked at it. He wasn’t…actually considering this, was he? “But…what does it do?”

“Oh, he’ll be your perfect date for the evening, of course. Everything you said you wanted–Matt and Stu together in one package…you know what I mean?”

“This can…make him…”

Jimmy nodded. Carl’s eyes went wide. “It’ll just be for Halloween, Carl. Anything is possible on Halloween. Now get going, and have a good night.”

Carl told himself he’d take the vial and throw it out in a trashcan outside, but there wasn’t one between The Barnyard and the bus stop, so he ended up keeping it in his pocket. He couldn’t use it, there was no way he’d do something like that. It probably wouldn’t even do anything. I mean, who heard of people just…changing? Stu…Stu was just a freak, you couldn’t just, make someone like that, right? He transferred buses, and found a growing part of himself thinking about using it, groping his cock in his tight khakis, thinking about what it might be like, for Matt and Stu to be…the same person. How happy he would be. Didn’t Matt always say, that he just wanted Carl to be happy? Well, wouldn’t this make him happy? Would it? 

He was still asking himself that same question, two weeks later, as he was mixing another “experimental” cocktail for Carl on Halloween eve, adding the last third of the vial to his boyfriend’s next drink, following it up with ginger vodka, orange bitters and apple cider. The horror movie was still on, but neither of them had been having a very good evening. It was rather apparent to them both that the spark had gone out of their relationship, and Matt was trying to figure out how to end it, since Carl seemed focused on trying to cling to whatever might have been for a bit longer. Maybe next week, he thought to himself. He could break the news then. Besides, Carl seemed really excited about this Halloween party tomorrow, and he didn’t want to spoil the holiday after all. The third drink was the best of the night, though it still had that odd tang, which Carl had blamed on the ice and the bitters. Still, he drank it, but when he was finished with it, and midnight struck, he suddenly felt a bit sick, and Carl hurried to put him to bed, telling him that everything would be better in the morning.


– Chapter 2 –

Matt decided, as he laid in Carl’s bed, that this was the strangest hangover of his life. There was the headache, the sensitivity to light, the lethargy, the screaming need to piss (and possibly puke), but on top of all of that, Matt woke up feeling like some massive creature was sitting on his chest and stomach. He’d heard tales of sleep paralysis, and after flailing for a moment, half awake, he finally managed to break through and sit up on the side of the bed, panting hard, trying to remember what it the hell he’d been dreaming about. Carl had been there, and…and they’d had sex? If they’d had sex, it must have been a dream–Carl hadn’t touched him in at least a month or more, and every time Matt tried to get the juices flowing, he would…cringe as soon as Matt reached for his cock. He’d tried to shrug it off as Carl being upset over his recent weight gain–Matt didn’t care, and tried to talk to him about it, but Carl would just shut down everytime. No one kept their peak form forever after all, and both of them were pushing forty. Still, he was starting to think it was more than that. That…something about Matt simply repulsed him, but his boyfriend refused to talk about it. 

This wasn’t what he needed to be thinking about right now. He pushed those worries away and focused on something more immediate–pissing in a toilet instead of the bed. The sensation of something pressing down, or maybe hanging off of him, lingered, and when he pushed himself up from the bed, he felt off balance and dizzy, teetering a bit, hobbling towards Carl’s master bathroom, clutching the doorway for a moment to keep balance, and then stumbled onto the floor, nearly losing himself on the slick tile. Why was he having a hard time balancing? He felt like he was walking on tiptoe for some strange reason. With his legs spread a bit wider to keep himself upright, he stood in front of the toilet and finally let loose his bladder, but he couldn’t get a good grip on his cock. He ended up fumbling with it too much, soaking the rim and even the floor around the toilet. The piss smelled vile. He scrunched up his nose and snorted, shaking his still leaking cock a bit, looked around for something to wipe the piss up with, and then noticed that the bathroom mirror was missing.

This was no small mirror. It was clear from the outline in the paint on the wall that it had been there for a while, and from the screw holes in the drywall, it had been no easy task to remove. The real question, was why? Had it been there the night before? He’d used the other bathroom, and that one had still had a mirror, so why in the world had Carl taken down this one? Maybe…maybe he felt worse about his body than Matt had thought, if he was taking down mirrors so he didn’t have to look at himself. Still, if he felt that bad, then why hadn’t he been going to the gym as much? Sure, work was hard, but…it felt like he was missing some key piece of a puzzle, or maybe he was just too tired to figure it out. The headache was only getting worse, now that he was standing, and the dizziness wasn’t going away either. If this kept up, he didn’t think he’d be able to go to any party, no matter how much he wanted to please Carl.

He got a towel off the rod, bent over and tried to wipe up his piss, but for some reason he couldn’t get a good grip on the fabric. He finally took a long hard look at his hands…part of him was convinced that something was amiss, and yet he couldn’t figure out what could be wrong with them. They…seemed normal enough, to his eyes. And yet, they couldn’t do things he knew they should be able to do. He gave up, after the towel landed in the toilet bowl and he failed to fish it out; he’d just have to go find Carl and get help, to deal with his…surprising ineptitude this morning. 

Careful to keep his footing and balance, he maneuvered himself out of the bathroom, and tried to call out Carl’s name, but all the words came out garbled. His teeth felt too big, his mouth oddly shaped, his tongue too long–he must be sick, there must be getting sick with something, there was no other explanation for any of this. He tried again, and managed to get out something resembling “Carl” to fall off his lips, and he kept stumbling, out the bedroom door, propping himself up down the hallway, where he smelled the food, even before he heard Carl working in the kitchen, and the smell! His mouth began drooling uncontrollably, saliva welling up in his mouth in greater quantities than he could even imagine swallowing, feeling it run out both sides of his mouth, down his chin and onto his chest and stomach. His belly growled, nose leading him to the kitchen, his mind struggling to keep up with what was happening through the haze shrouding his mind. 

He turned the corner, and found himself faced with a table already laden with all sorts of breakfast fare–everything from a tower of pancakes and a heap of waffles to heaping bowls of oatmeal and a huge bowl of scrambled eggs–however, his mind noticed that there was no little meat, just some chicken sausages on a plate, which was odd because Carl had always been a devout meat eater. He wiped one forearm across his mouth, but it didn’t feel quite right to him, like he’d somehow managed to punch himself in the nose at the same time. It didn’t help much anyway–the slobber had only grown more intense, as he licked his tongue up around his lips and teeth. Carl had heard him in the hallway and turned to look, and frozen in front of the stove, his eyes wide and jaw gaping. In the back of his mind that seemed…strange, but without even really asking if this was all for him, his belly took command. Before he could even sit down, he started grabbing at the fork next to him, growling when his fingers again refused to work, and he instead started pulling food to him with his hands, clumsily shovelling it into his mouth as best he could.

Carl couldn’t stop staring…and he couldn’t wipe the grin off his face either. Already…already his boyfriend was looking so much…more appealing, and it seemed like Matt hadn’t noticed anything amiss at all–or at least not enough to really stop and worry. Still, he could see the distress forming in his eyes, as he realized he couldn’t stop eating, no matter how hard he tried. He kept trying to talk through his food, but he couldn’t get anything out–which wasn’t at all surprising to Carl, but Matt was getting flustered. Carl walked over and stroked his hair, calming him down, urging him to just keep eating. For whatever reason, it worked–Matt’s eyes grew more relaxed, and he started eating with more focus and commitment, and Carl went back to cooking.

He checked over his shoulder every few minutes, still unable to believe what he was seeing. Sure, it wasn’t nearly as…complete as Stu, but…but still. It was working! It was really…really working. He could see the snout pushing out from Matt’s face, the tusks starting to extend past his lips. His hands were worthless as hands now–his fingers had merged together and were hardening, even as he watched–he’d given up on using his hands at all, in fact, and was simply shoving his face into the food, eating and snorting and grunting, standing up to get at the food closer to the middle of the table, and his gut…fuck. He was…getting fatter. The food was going right to his belly, and as Carl watched, it was beginning to expand out, turning…flabby, and…and soft… 

More food. He had to make even more food. Carl found himself in a bit of a race. Matt became more adept at eating with his changing mouth, and Carl struggled to find more food in the kitchen for his boyfriend to eat. He managed to hold out for several hours, but finally Matt cleaned him out, and after licking the plates clean with his longer tongue, he groaned, sat back in the chair behind him, and after a moment of trying to support him, the wood cracked and collapsed underneath his massive bulk, plopping Matt down on his ass with a loud smack. Carl rushed over to make sure he was alright–Matt gave a groan, and tried to speak for the first time since entering the kitchen. The words were garbled, but understandable. “Fuck, was so hungry…” he groaned, and looked around. “Did I…break the chair?”

“It was…just old is all,” Carl said quickly, “Here let me help you up.”

The first couple times were nearly impossible. Without fingers, and with hard half-trotters coated with butter and grease, neither of them could get a good enough grip on each other for Matt to get up. On the floor, Matt was simply…confused. He felt heavy, heavier than he could really understand. Looking down at himself, there on the floor, none of this really made sense, and he let off a massive belch, feeling his stomach rumble–Carl watching Matt’s gut suddenly heave outward again with the blast of gas, sagging down over his waist. “I don’t…feel…” Matt belched again, his body expanding once more, and Carl suddenly didn’t think he’d even be able to pick him up.  He went around behind him, crouched down and got his arms under Matt’s armpits, and strained up, Matt scrambling to get his slick, awkward feet underneath his body. His balance was all off; he managed to get upright, but could only stay there by clinging to the doorway into the kitchen. Carl could see that part of the reason it had been so difficult wasn’t just that he was fatter, he was also quite a bit taller. Neither of them had been short, by any means, but now Matt loomed over him by about a half a foot, close to six and half feet tall.

Matt scanned the mess in the kitchen. Empty plates were scattered everywhere, even on the floor, where several had broken. Food, too, was everywhere, and all over him. He wiped his face with one hand, still confused by the feeling not matching what he was seeing, and felt his jaw, neck and chest covered with drool and food. “There we go,” Carl said. He couldn’t help it, he slapped Matt’s overhanging gut, watching it jiggle in response, his cock hard as a rock. “Got you back upright, at least.”

“I don’t…know, don’t feel good at all…” Matt said, “I can’t…go to that party…I don’t–”

“No!” Carl said, “No, you have to go with me, you’re just…just a bit woozy is all, from eating too much. Look, why don’t we, uh, get you in the shower. That’ll make you feel a bit better, and then we can go out and have some fun tonight, alright? You’ll love it, trust me.”

“I just don’t…something’s wrong, Carl…” Matt said, “I don’t…” he turned to his boyfriend, and he…smelled…he could smell him. Not like a usual smell, he could smell…arousal. That was the only way he could describe it. Like cum, and sweat and musk…and it smelled good. As good as the food had smelled earlier. He managed to stand up on his feet, wobbling a bit, snorting a bit, “You’re…horny…” he groaned, “Smell…fuckin’ good. Still…kinda hungry too.”

Before Carl could react, Matt was back down on his knees in front of him, scrapping trotters against the front of his pants, making frustrated noises, snorting and grunting and licking his lips. Carl was more than happy to give him what he was asking for. He popped open his fly, and Matt slurped down his cock, sucking and nibbling and licking at his shaft and head. It was…awkward. Matt obviously wasn’t quite sure how to work his new snout and tongue, or how to keep his growing tusks away from Carl’s sensitive areas, but looking down at his boyfriend, Carl didn’t care, and he grabbed hold of Matt’s larger, floppier ears and started thrusting into his snout and down his throat, and he shot in less than a minute. Matt, however, kept licking even after drinking down all the cum, his tongue slathering across Carl’s balls, until his boyfriend took a step back away from him, breathing fast and trying to get his pants back up. Matt focused all his energy and heaved himself back up to his feet, stumbled a bit, and found himself facing a direction in the kitchen he hadn’t yet, looking right at the shiny, stainless steel refrigerator. It was so shiny, in fact, that it had always functioned as a decent enough mirror, and even though his image was distorted by the curve, for the first time this morning he saw himself. And what he saw…

The enchantment over his eyes fell away in the face of his own reflection, and he could finally look down at himself. At his solid, trotter hands, at his massive apron of fat and heavy moobs hanging from his chest where his lean muscle had been just the day before. At the snout sticking out into the middle of his vision, the tusks popping up from his bottom jaw. He screamed, but through his new mouth it came out as a high pitched squeal, which only terrified him more, and he fled the kitchen, pushing past Carl and towards the door of the apartment…but he couldn’t go out there like this! He flipped around and found himself facing Carl, and realized that he must have known. Why else would he have pretended like nothing was wrong all morning? “You! You…what did you do to me?”

Carl froze, not sure whether to spill the truth or try to lie. What had gone wrong? Hadn’t he taken down all the mirrors, like Jimmy had told him to do? He looked back at the fridge door and realized what must have happened, and he turned and ran away from Matt at the door towards the bedroom.

“Hey!” Matt shouted and charged after him, the floor shaking under his massive weight. Carl threw the bedroom door shut behind him, but Matt charged right into it, throwing him forward and tumbling to the floor. Before he could get up, Matt dropped down on him, pinning him to the floor. Carl tried to get something out, but looking up at the pig face glaring down at him, he was certain he was about to be ripped limb from limb and…well, he had to admit that he did kind of deserve it. But Matt snorted, and took a deep breath; Carl could feel…something hard pushing between them, and realized it must be Matt’s cock. “Carl, you…you had better have a…damn good explanation for why this shit is turning me on…so damn much. And fuck, why do you smell so fucking good…”

“Look, I’m…I’m sorry, I don’t…It’s a long story, and I…I know, but…but the way he said it, it just made so much…sense…at the time, when Jimmy gave it to me.”

“Who the fuck is Jimmy?”

Carl knew he’d said too much–there was no backing out now.

“Is he the fucker you’ve been cheating on me with? Is he the fucker you’ve been ‘staying late at the office for,’ you lying son of a bitch?”

“No! Not him–It’s…more complicated than that.”

Matt glowered at him, his smaller eyes looking like mean, dark dots on his face, “Then you’d better start talking, Carl, cause I want a fucking explanation.”

So he started explaining. He started at the beginning, as best he could remember it, how he’d discovered The Barnyard, and his first visits with Stu. Stu, the short, round boarman he’d been sleeping with for months now. How he’d tried to stop, but couldn’t. How Jimmy had offered him a possible solution to his guilty conscience. That, however, was about how far he got. Matt was doing his best to pay attention, but the smell of Carl’s arousal, now that his anger was ebbing, kept pulling at his attention. About the time Carl got to the vial, he had given in, rubbing his face into Carl’s chest, licking up his sweat, grinding their cock’s together. Something in him was still changing. His body might have stopped, but his head–it felt so thick all of a sudden. He was so angry, but so much hornier, that it just made sense to give Carl another blowjob. This one was a bit better than the last, now that he could properly understand what he was working with, and Carl managed to last a bit longer, before blowing his load into Matt’s snout.

“Don’t think, just cause I keep blowin’ you that…I’m not pissed off…” Matt slurred around his tusks, “You just smell so…fuckin’ good all of a sudden, and I’m not…thinkin’ too good.”

“Look, try not to worry about it, Matt–we’ll just go to the party tonight, and Jimmy will change you back. I just wanted…I wanted you to be happy with me.”

“Fuck you, you just wanted me to be your fuckpig, don’t fuckin’ sugarcoat it.”

“No, no, that’s not just it, I love you Matt. I’m just…I’m not attracted to normal guys anymore, I guess, but I do love you, I do!”

“You’re fuckin’ sick, you know that?”

Carl slid down, so he was face to snout with Matt, and gave him a deep kiss on the snout, and then pushed him over onto his back, his fat body resting around him, and Carl got his first look at Matt’s new cock, slick from his sheath, head twisted just…just like Stu’s, but even bigger, and he dove on it, sucking it hard, feeling Matt buck up into his throat, squealing with pleasure. He hadn’t expected it to feel so good, and he orgasmed, the pleasure blossoming and billowing inside him. He kept expecting it to subside, but it didn’t, not even after he’d finished pumping cum into Carl’s mouth–so much he couldn’t hope to swallow it all. “I didn’t do this because I wanted a fuckpig, I did this so you could at least…know how much I want to be with you, Matt.”

“You’re a fucking liar,” Matt muttered, but kept snorting, “How…fucking how long does this last?”

“About half an hour.”

“You’re fucking…seriously?”

Carl nodded, but inside he wondered–was he lying? Did he really love Matt? Was that why he’d done this? He couldn’t help but admit that…part of the thrill he was feeling was being in control, in how much Matt wanted him suddenly. How much he needed him. It was something he’d had to pay Stu for, but Matt…it made him even hornier, how vulnerable he was, suddenly. And he wasn’t sure he really wanted that feeling to end.

“You know, you fuckin’ forgot something. How the fuck am I supposed to get all the way across town, on the bus, without everyone seeing me? Without anyone calling the fucking cops? We aren’t going anywhere tonight.”

“What, did that thick head of yours forget already? It’s Halloween, Matt. No one’s gonna look at you twice.” Matt rolled his eyes. “Ok, so they’ll look twice, but only because of how cool you look.”

“Cool? Shut up.”


“I’m not going.”

“If you don’t go, then I have no idea how to turn you back, and then you really will have to be my fuckpig. I thought that’s what you didn’t want?”

Matt scowled at Carl on top of him, orgasm still pulsing through him, and snorted. He was right, as much as he hated to admit it. “Fine, I’ll go, but we’re breaking up–you do realize that, right? We’re fucking through, after tonight. I never want to see you again.”

Carl nodded, but he had a feeling that he might still be able to turn things around, maybe with a little help from Jimmy. Maybe Matt would see that Carl had done all of this for him–no, for them. He could see that, couldn’t he? “If that’s what you want, I understand. But we’d better get you dressed–we don’t want to be late now, do we?”


Matt first demanded that Carl at least let him take a shower first, and even Carl had to admit that he needed one. His face was coated with food, as was his flabby chest. However, he quickly discovered that working the shower was going to be nearly impossible with his new hands. They were still…somewhat functionable–especially now that he was able to see what exactly he had to work with. His four fingers had fused into two hard trotters, and his thumb had grown larger, becoming the same size as the others. He could grip with them, but doing anything remotely delicate–say, grabbing and holding onto a bar of soap and using it on his body–proved impossible. Still, he was too stubborn, angry, and embarrassed to consider asking Carl to help him wash off; he ended up simply letting the water run over his body, getting himself as clean as he could, exploring his body as the heady orgasm finally began subsiding. He’d certainly gained a substantial amount of weight–compared to his previous body he was outright obese–and yet, he did enjoy it somewhat. His fat didn’t sag–it was firm, much of it pushing out in a heavy gut and firm moobs on top of them that wobbled slightly as he moved. His arms had beefed up, and his legs had grown much thicker and longer, though with a pronounced bow, forcing his stance to be quite a bit wider than before. 

He got out of the shower and dried himself off as best as he could, and then went out into the bedroom. His phone was still on the bedside table; he carefully picked it up with one hand and tried to work it, but the screen refused to respond to his trotters. He’d been hoping to get a better look at his face with the camera–not that he really wanted to see what he looked like, but at least then he’d know how best to…try and disguise all of this. He couldn’t believe that he had to cross town looking like this–that Carl had been planning on dragging him over there without even knowing what was happening. The anger that he’d managed to keep at bay unravelled slightly, his heart pounding in his chest. He caught himself snorting loudly as he breathed, and managed to reel his emotions back in, but it was difficult. Everything felt…closer to the surface, like there was less he could do to control his head and emotions. While the veil might have been lifted, he still didn’t feel normal…or think normally either.

Carl had laid out some clothes for him–it was a joke. It was a sweatsuit Carl had obviously bought recently, since he’d been gaining weight steadily for months. It served him right, Matt thought. He was the one who deserved to be a fucking pig right now, not him. Still, even though the sweats were double extra large, the sweatshirt left a significant slab of belly exposed, and his thick thighs could barely fit in the snug material, meaning they not only showed off every bulge, but that his morphed cock and balls were displayed obscenely in the front. Carl came in to see how things were going, and Matt turned to him, “What the fuck? You don’t really expect me to wear this, do you?”

Carl’s jaw dropped at the sight of Matt’s hefty package well outlined in the front of the sweats, and missed his chance to respond. 

“Oh fuck you, you fully intended this, didn’t you?”

“No! I mean, I didn’t…I didn’t know what that stuff would do to you, I mean, not really. I hadn’t…really thought this all the way through.”

“No fucking shit!”

“Look, that’s the best I can do, alright?”

“The fuckin’…best?” Matt said, trying to sound angry, but he felt…strange all of a sudden. He tried to think harder, to catch the rest of what he’d been planning on saying, but his head started pounding painfully, “Fuck…headache…”

“What’s wrong?”

“Don’ know…” Matt said. Carl came closer to help him, and the smell of him–of their sex earlier, it overwhelmed Matt’s mind for a moment, lost in Carl’s musk, his cock hardening, pushing out over the waistband of the sweats. “You smell…good still…”

“Matt, can we focus here?” Carl asked, but looking at his boyfriend’s eyes, it looked like focusing was going to be a bit difficult for him. His head had changed from earlier in the day. Where it had been still recognizably human, with rather piggish features, that was now reversed. His snout was highly pronounced, his eyes slightly beady and a little glazed. “Look, you’re still changing. Just try to stay calm until we get to the bar, and Jimmy will sort this all out, alright?”

Matt tried to stay angry, tried to argue, but everything seemed to just…melt away from him, and all he really wanted was…to keep smelling him. “Sure Carl,” he said, “Smell fuckin’ sexy though.” He grinned–or tried to–and Carl took a step back. “I…think somethin’s wrong in my head.”

They were interrupted by a knock on the door, “Hold on–stay put, I’ll get that.”

Carl left him in the bedroom, and Matt could hear him talking to someone, but he couldn’t make out what they were saying. After a couple of minutes the door closed, and Carl shouted, “All clear, you can come on out.”

Matt’s nose told him everything he needed to know–that had been a pizza delivery guy, and even though he’d already gorged himself all morning, his gut growled at the mere mention of food, drool already cascading down onto the sweatshirt. “Really?” Matt said, snorting, “More food? I’m already…having a hard time fittin’…”

Carl was waiting for him with a n open box of pizza, and Matt didn’t bother objecting twice. Carl set him down on the couch and fed him pizza after pizza, rubbing his full gut, and doing his best to keep the grease and slobber off his clothes. This time, Carl at least managed to get something to eat as well–he was starving, especially after he’d spent the night taking down every mirror in the house, and all morning cooking. Matt begrudgingly enjoyed himself, especially when Carl slipped his hand down his pants and started working his cock as he ate himself silly yet again, though he could feel the clothes he had on constricting him a bit tighter, the sweatshirt riding up over his gut. It was also hot, and he was sweating more…which only made him smell better, Carl licking the sweat and grease from his snout as he finished off the sixth, and last, extra large pizza he’d ordered for them.

Matt let off a great belch, his gut expanding out as he did, the sweat shirt riding all the way up his gut. “Was that…fuck, really necessary?”

“I didn’t want you to go hungry,” Carl said, “Besides, I hadn’t eaten all day. I thought it would be rude to not get some for you too.”

“But I’d already taken a shower…”

“You look fine–besides, we needed to kill a bit of time, right? You’ll be less conspicuous in the dark, and the party doesn’t start until midnight anyway.”

Matt looked out the window, and realized time had really gotten away from him. The sub had already set, and there was just a dim twilight outside. “I…I don’t know Carl, will people really…not notice?”

“Everything will be ok in a bit, alright? Just, you know, play the part,” Carl pulled a coat for him out of the closet by the door, and an overcoat for Matt, “ This will help keep you under wraps too–now come on, we need to get going, or we’ll miss the buses.”

Matt pushed against the fog that had settled over his mind. It was similar to what had afflicted him earlier, when he’d been under whatever spell “Jimmy” had cast on him. But before, when he’d felt addled, he hadn’t felt in control of himself. More like a dream than anything else. This though–it was like his brain had shifted down into first gear. Getting anything beyond a simple thought through was so difficult, and he he tried too hard, a headache would sear through his temples. He didn’t want to go out there. He didn’t want people to see him like this, even at night. He didn’t want to get arrested, or worse. But he…he couldn’t just stay here. It was obviously getting worse, and as much as he hated to admit it, going to the stupid party was the best choice–not that he could formulate any other option, if one existed. So he let Carl help him into the overcoat, which barely fit him at all, and wouldn’t even close all the way in the front, and followed him out, self-consciously trying to tug down the sweatshirt and pull the over coat around him at the same time, but he stopped when he heard a ripping sound come from the armpit. 

They got out onto the sidewalk, and everyone looked at him. No, they didn’t just look at him, they stared at him–hard. Eyes popped from heads, but thankfully (perhaps) most people were so obsessed with his strange face that they didn’t even notice his massive bulge that he couldn’t cover with the coat at all. He’d grown quite a bit taller indeed, and it was even easier to notice now, with everyone looking up at him as they walked, and Matt pulled closer to Carl, wishing he could have at least had a hat or something to try and cover his face a bit. He felt like a freak, but being with Carl made him feel a bit better. Just…just something about the way he smelled, made him feel a bit calmer, a bit…horny. His cock threatened to pop free from his sweats, and he focused as best he could, trying to keep his needs under control, and pushed himself away from Carl, trying to get away from whatever smell that was. This was not the time to lose control, especially not in public. 

Aside from a few minor incidents, the journey across town was without catastrophe. A young boy demanded that Matt let him feel his “mask,” and the parents seemed rather expectant. It terrified the kid, because of how warm it felt, and the parents tried to urge him to take it off, so he could show the boy it was fake; instead, Carl muttered an apology for them both, and hurried away. Later, on the bus, a group of teenagers in partial costume spent much of the ride pointing and snickering at him a few seats away. One of the boys pulled an apple from his backpack and lobbed it at him, telling him to “Eat up, Piggy!” The group dissolved into laughter, and Matt very nearly let the anger get the best of him, but Carl pulled him back into the seat. The group got off after another stop…and as humiliated as he was by the whole thing, his gut gave a growl, and Matt ended up eating the apple down–core, stem and seeds included. He also ended up giving an old woman a scare as they exited the bus, sending her screaming in the opposite direction down the street–but beyond that, perfectly normal–aside from the fact that he was some strange pigman wandering the streets of the city. Carl led him on for a few more blocks, until they arrived at The Barnyard. He couldn’t quite shake the feeling that he was about to make an even worse mistake, but what choice did he have, really? He followed Carl down the steps, through the door, and into the club.

– Chapter 3 –

Carl started down the hallway, but was caught off guard by a sudden right turn. The hallway had always just been a straight shot, and then he was in the bar, but the hallway continued, the lighting growing dimmer, odd sounds coming from the dark around them as they walked. The sounds were…they didn’t sound like recordings, but they also didn’t sound particularly human. Pleasure? Pain? Carl found himself going a bit slower, Matt pressing closer to him, his boyfriend’s musk muddling his brain again in the tight space. He leaned in and licked the back of Carl’s sweaty neck–he screamed and jumped around.

“What the fuck, Matt?”

“Sorry, you just…smell really good.”

“You don’t have to fucking freak me out like that.”

“Where are we even? This isn’t a bar, this is some weird tunnel.”

“Look, I…I’m not sure, alright?” Carl said, “Now come on, let’s figure this out.”

Matt wanted to press the subject, but ended up just following him. Thankfully, after another couple of turns Carl couldn’t remember, they emerged into a large room–it wasn’t the bar, however–if anything it looked like a massive storeroom, filled with piles and piles of clothes and equipment. There, in the dim, flickering light of several lanterns hung from the ceiling, was Jimmy. He had traded in his customary flannel and jeans for a suit that seemed better suited for a carnival barker, his face covered by a small mask over his eyes, though he was still perfectly recognizable by his bushy beard and hairy chest.

“Carl!” he said, “So glad you could make it. I was beginning to worry you weren’t going to show! The party’s already in full swing.” He spied Matt behind him and grinned, “Oh ho, and you did end up bringing your guest, I see.”

Matt gave a snort of disapproval. Jimmy didn’t seem to notice, and stepped forward, immediately trying to put his hands on Matt’s physique, only to be batted away by Matt’s trotters. “Hey! What the fuckin’ hell?”

Jimmy’s grin turned to a frown. “He saw himself? I told you no mirrors.”

“It was an accident.”

Jimmy sighed, “Well that does make things a bit more difficult then.”

“Well let me sili–I mean…simple it fer you,” Matt said, “Just change me back. I wanna be normal again, and then I’m gettin’ the hell outta here.”

“Well, the good thing is,” Jimmy said, “Everything will be back to normal in the morning, all on it’s own! But only if you stay. See, the spell is tied to the party here–if you aren’t here all night, then you’ll be stuck like this. So I suppose you might as well just make the best of it and stay, right?”

“Bullshit!” Matt said, stepping close to him so their chests touched, looming over him by several inches, but Jimmy was unfazed. “You did this, and you can change me back.”

“It really isn’t that easy, trust me.”

Matt huffed up, but before he could just start shouting up at him, Jimmy reached up pressed two fingers to the taller boar’s lips, and the breath sighed out of him, his eyelids drooping, his shoulders releasing all of their tension. 

“Is he always like this?” Jimmy asked, turning to Carl.

“Well, I mean…it was a bit of a shock.”

“Well, if you’d made sure he hadn’t seen himself, then he wouldn’t be being difficult at all.”

“If I had known what was going to happen, maybe I would have been able to prepare a bit better! You were more than a little vague…” Carl said, sighed, and continued, “Fuck, what the fuck am I even doing? Why in the fuck did I think this was even going to work? It’s hopeless. He hates me, and I don’t blame him. He should leave me, after all of this.”

“Oh shush,” Jimmy said, “He’s just scared.”

“Of course he’s scared! Why wouldn’t he be?”

“Well, he’d be having more fun if he wasn’t, that’s all I mean.” Jimmy looked to the still sagging Matt. His finger’s hadn’t left his lips, and he seemed to be sizing up a cut of meat, and that gave Carl a shiver.

“Look, just give him what he wants. Change him back, and let him leave.”

“I already said that it isn’t that simple.”

“Wait…seriously? I thought you were lying to get him to stay! You really can’t change him back?”

“Look, things will be just fine, mostly…probably…as long as you both stay for the party. Like I said, I’ve done this plenty of times, but usually, the less you know about the magic involved, the less opportunity you have to screw it up–not that you haven’t screwed it up already. I mean, the self-awareness alone, who knows what that might leave behind, but as long as we keep him fairly well addled for the rest of the night, he should be fine…ish…” Jimmy said, stroking Matt’s fat cheek with his other hand.

“You don’t sound very confident. What might go wrong?”

“Look, you were almost late for the party, and we don’t even have costumes for the two of you yet,” Jimmy said, “We’ll sort all of this out later, I promise, but why don’t the two of you focus on having some fun tonight? How about you Matt, you wanna have some fun, don’t you?” 

Matt’s snout turned into a drooling grin, and he nodded slowly.

“And since your boyfriend there already got to choose most of your costume, it’s only fair that you get to pick out the rest, right?”

Through all this, he hadn’t removed his fingers from Matt’s snout, and Carl could see a strange, greenish wisp wafting up from those fingers and into Matt’s piggish nose. He gave a great snort suddenly, and shook his head, trying to piece together what had been happening, “Were…you guys sayin’…something?”

“Nothing important, Matt–now, why don’t you pick out your costume?”

Something about that didn’t seem quite right–he hadn’t been planning on staying. “No I was gonna leave, I thought. Besides, I already…have clothes…”

“Do you?” Jimmy asked, and Matt felt the sweatshirt, sweatpants and overcoat he had on constrict around his burly figure, and he started clawing at the fabric around his neck, where it had cut off his breath. In a matter of seconds it had begun ripping, and Matt tore it the rest of the way off his frame, the shreds of cloth disappearing in the air before they could even hit the ground, leaving him heaving his big gut for breath, Carl amazed at the amount of changes that had happened while they’d been crossing the city. He was a few inches taller, and his body had solidified–even after his substantial second feeding. The fat he’d packed on earlier had been turning to muscle as they travelled, giving him a beefier physique with a solid, barrel chest and belly…and a massive cock hanging from his sheath, with two orange sized balls swinging below…and a short, curly tail above his ass. 

“I…I mean, I guess not…”

“Those weren’t really good clothes for a Halloween party, anyway. Why don’t you go digging for something a bit more…appropriate for a dirty pig like you?”

There was something wrong here, he’d been wanting to leave, but…but maybe he did want to stay. He couldn’t leave without clothes either way…and he could smell…something, in there, in the piles of those clothes out in front of him. His nose was suddenly so much more sensitive, and more than that, the dirtier something was…it was turning him on, the nasty clothes heaped around them. They all smelled so…filthy, his trotters taking a few uneven steps forward, until he tumbled down onto his hands and knees, and started rooting through the piles of dirty laundry with his face, hurling shirts, pants and underwear to the side with his tusks, snorting and huffing as he sought out the source of the nastiest, filthiest stench he could find, coming up, first, with a brown and yellow, crusty jockstrap in his mouth, and he grabbed it in his trotters, and did his best to get it over his legs–Carl rushing over to help him get it on. The pouch was well stretched, but even then it could barely contain his massive equipment. Matt rolled back over and crawled to a different pile, eventually surfacing with a pair of muddy and stained overalls, the fabric frayed and torn, and Carl again walked over to help him–though it was a struggle. He managed to get the overalls on him, but the smells around them had gotten Matt rather excited; he ended up on top of Carl and started grinding his crotch into him, grunting and kissing him until Jimmy walked over and pulled him off by the back of the overalls.

“Slow down now, after all, your boyfriend isn’t even in his costume yet. Since you did such a good job finding one for yourself, why don’t you find one for him too? One that’ll match your…tastes.”

Matt squealed with excitement, and Carl turned to Jimmy, “I don’t know if that’s really the best–”

“Oh hush–as if you haven’t gotten your way enough tonight already. It’s just for the party anyway–Stu’s told me a few tales of what you enjoy–let loose, have some fun for once!”

Carl watched Matt root about for a moment, and then a stomach churning thought occurred to him, “Wait…Stu isn’t…at the party, is he?”

“Well of course he is! Why wouldn’t he be?”

“I mean, what if…you know, we meet?”

Jimmy patted him on the shoulder, “I understand your concerns, but Stu is a professional. I’ve known him to get a bit attached to clients in the past, but we already talked about it, and you have nothing to worry about it. If you do see him, he swore to be that he’ll be on his best, behavior.”

“What do you mean, ‘attached to clients’?”

“It’s really nothing to worry about. Now go put on your costume, Matt’s almost done finding it.”

Matt had collected a small pile from the surrounding clothing, and was kneeling next to it, looking around in case he had missed something. A bit nervous at what he might have in mind, Carl still stripped off his clothes and handed them to Jimmy for safe keeping, and then walked over to see what his pig had found. First came a jockstrap as equally filthy as Matt’s, though a bit smaller, since he was now quite outclassed in that department. Then a nasty, well stained tanktop, a pair of muddy jeans, two crusty wool socks, some boots crusted with mud, a hi-fiz vest which had lost it’s luster quite a while earlier, and lastly a muddy yellow hard hat which stank of someone else’s head sweat. Once it was all on, he felt a bit ridiculous…and more than a little dirty. It didn’t help that nothing fit him very well–the jeans were too tight, the tank and vest too big, the hard hat sitting so low he had to tilt it back to keep it out of his eyes, the boots threatening to pull off his feet with each step. 

Jimmy walked over, obviously pleased from the smile, “A very good choice. Now, for a few finishing touches…”

Jimmy gave a flourish in the air…they waited a few moments but nothing seemed to happen. Carl turned to Matt, and realized his boyfriend had most certainly changed. Even though Matt had showered earlier and gotten himself reasonably clean, his appearance was looking similar to the clothes he’d picked out–mud caked on his elbows and wrists, and all up his arms and across his chest, where Carl could see them, were a series of tattoos–most of them rather redneck in subject and sloppily done. He also had thick, long beard sprouting across his face under and around his snout, even as his hair had shrunk back into his head, leaving him shaved bald…and a cigar. How had he missed the cigar? Matt had always been an adamant anti-smoker, but here he was, with a thick, long stogie clamped in his snout, puffing smoke…it was so…damn sexy. Along with the smell of the smoke, he also just plain stank–sweaty and musky, cum and piss and muck. Carl stepped closer, and realized that he was…looking down at Matt, even though the boar had been taller than him a second before. Something was in his mouth too–he took it out and found himself staring at a cigar of his own, equally massive…and his fucking hand. His very…very large hand. A very large, calloused, grimy hand…

Jimmy put a hand on his shoulder, “Try not to think about it too much–like I said before, the less you understand what’s going on, the better, alright big guy?”

That…that was smarter, probably. He didn’t really feel like thinking much anyway–it was giving him a headache. Matt leaned in, and they kissed, tasting each other’s smoky, dirty mouths for a few moments before pulling away, a bridge of droll connected their chins for a moment before breaking. He felt…different. Sizable. The gear that had felt so odd before now felt made for his body…or maybe a body slightly smaller than his. It…smelled like him too, like it was his–which for the night, he supposed it was. The kiss was interrupted by a very loud and resonant chime–a bell deep enough for the sound to resonate in their chests.

“What…what was that?” Carl asked.

“That’s the first bell–midnight already–it’s amazing how quickly time can fly down here.”

“Midnight? But it was eleven when we got here…”

“Yes, well…magic can bend…things, sometimes. It’s all very complicated, trust me. The bell helps us all keep on track. It will ring each hour from now on, until just before six o’clock–that’s dawn, at which point the party is over, and everything will be back to normal.” Carl wanted to ask more, but Jimmy spun around and walked off, still talking, “Now, how about we get to the party, lovebirds? I’ve been neglecting my duties as host long enough!”

“I…I ain’t sure ‘bout this, Carl,” Matt said under his breath, his voice suddenly coming out slower, with a long southern drawl, “I mean, I…I kinda like it, but…”

“Look, it’s just for a night, right?” Carl said, and grabbed his trotter hand in his, pulling him after Jimmy, “Try not tah think about it too hard.”

“I’m…kinda havin’ trouble thinkin’ at all, tah be honest,” Matt said, “Jus’ makin’ sent–sentaces is hard.” He exhaled a pair of smoke jets from his nose, “Uh…was I smokin’ before? I don’t…quite remember. Taste’s good, anyway.”

Carl took a drag off his cigar, and had to agree. It felt…natural enough, but that only scared him more. For the first time in this whole exercise, he was beginning to have his own doubts that this was completely safe–and those worries only escalated when Jimmy showed them through the next hallway and out into the bar proper.

It was a zoo, or to be more literal, it was a barn. The room was quite packed–Carl was surprised that enough people in the city shared his interests for the bar to be this full. All of the attendees were men, that he could see, although a few were…questionably so. In particular, they passed a cowman who still had a cock, although his balls had become an udder which was leaking something like milk onto the floor as he staggered past, mooing. Flannel, denim and leather abounded, aside from a few exceptions. One older fellow, still human like him, was in a police uniform (if he imagined him without the uniform, he looked awfully similar to a man he saw on the bus regularly during his commute) and crouched in front of him was a police dog–or someone who was mostly a police dog–licking the man’s cock openly in a booth. Pigs, horses, donkeys, bulls, goats–it was quite a menagerie, and Carl no longer felt entirely comfortable being there. He’d always regarded this place as some seedy, secret place–but to see it erupting out into the open made him feel…ashamed? Terrified? There was no easy word that came to his head, but the air stank of musk, and he was rock hard in his gritty jeans. Matt pulled closer to him, equally unsettled; Carl put his arm around the his pig’s shoulders, pulling him closer still, smelling their smoke, happy that he was there with him–or maybe he was simply happy that he hadn’t come alone.

The rumble was audible over the dull roar of the crowd, and more than a few patrons around them turned and looked right at Matt’s belly. “Sorry…guess I’m hungry again…” he muttered.

“Well we can fix that,” Jimmy said, and pointed towards one wall. They pushed through the crowd and came to a huge trough, laid out over about twenty feet along the wall, and all along the length were any number of pigs–and men, and man-pigs–with their faces shoved deep in the slop. “How about that? Eat all you like–it refills all night long. Eat yourself immobile if you want, I doubt Carl will mind one bit,” Jimmy said with a wink.

Matt wasn’t paying attention. He’d caught one whiff of the food and stomped over, eyes unfocused, drool flowing from his chops. He fell to his knees and shoved his face in, snorting and devouring as much as he could, leaving Jimmy and Carl to watch. 

“Satisfied?” Jimmy asked.

“I…I don’ know,” Carl replied, “Guess I didn’ really know what tah expect, but it wasn’t this.”

“It’s not about meeting expectations, Carl. It’s about experiencing pleasure, fleeting though it may be. Haven’t you figured that out yet?”

Carl got halfway through his reply before he realized Jimmy wasn’t standing beside him anymore. He looked around and the man had either disappeared, or made an amazing slip into the crowd around them. He looked at Matt stuffing himself, his cigar burnt out and forgotten on the ground beside him, and felt some mix of guilt and desire that he didn’t really feel like sorting out. He took a breath of smoke, and felt better for a moment, until a too familiar voice squealed his name, and the balance of his feelings shifted completely into guilt.

“I’ve been looking forward to seeing you tonight so much! You haven’t been coming around as often, ya know. Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” Stu came waddling up and pulled Carl into a big hug, his fat encompassing him in such a…familiar way, that Carl let himself sink in for a few moments–though the pig was smaller than he remembered. When he let him go, he was able to get a better look at him. The boar had always been on the short side, very chubby with stubby legs, and bristly hair all over his body. Tonight, however, he was in a silvery gown, with blush on his cheeks above his bearded snout, and a long blond wig on his head. “Hope you didn’t think I wouldn’t recognize you in costume, but I can’t say the get up surprises me much–you’ve always had a filthy streak, haven’t you? Do you know who I’m going as tonight? Come on, guess…” 

He leaned in close, batting some long, false eyelashes in his direction. Carl pushed him away, and looked to Matt. Stu followed his eyes, frowning.

“Who’s that? You looking at other pigs?” he laughed, but when Carl didn’t laugh with him, he stopped. “No seriously, who’s that?”

“That…that’s Matt…my boyfriend.”

Stu was less than pleased, “Jimmy’s said something about trying to play matchmaker again. He always tries to kill my fucking business.”

“Look, I didn’t know you’d be here, I just–”

“You didn’t think I’d be here? You really think I’d miss the best party of the year?”

“I didn’t know that! I didn’t–I mean–it was complicated.”

“Well, he’s busy anyway–why don’t we nip off and have some fun, big boy? I like how you’re looking, for sure. He won’t even know you’ve been gone.”

Carl shook his head.

“What, seriously? You think he can give you what I do? There’s no fucking way. I didn’t get this good at what I do through one of Jimmy’s fucking spells, this took years of work. I’m all pig and he’s just playing. I’ll show you what you really want, fucker,” he said, and slipped one trotter hand down the front of Carl’s pants, making him shiver, “I’m the only one who can handle you. The real you. I know what you like. You’re a beast–he can’t take it. After all, if he could take you, then your relationship wouldn’t be on the rocks, now would it?”

Carl took a step back, forcing Stu’s hand from his pants. This, he figured, must have been what Jimmy meant, when he said Stu could get too attached to his clients. “Look, I’m sorry…but I love him. I want to try and make it work.”

“Please, you didn’t bring him here because you love him, you brought him here because you want ass like mine without having to pay for it!” Stu said, pointing at Matt gorging himself in the trough, “You want a pig, but you don’t want me. Well fuck you–and when you two fall apart, which always happens whenever Jimmy tries to muddle with this shit, then I’ll be a shoulder you can cry on…at twice the price. Because once he sees the real you, he’s not gonna want you anyway, no matter how much of a pig you try and make him.”

Before Carl could object, Stu had spun around and stormed off into the crowd. Carl didn’t follow him. He looked over at Matt, but suddenly he didn’t feel very…sexy. What he wanted, he realized, was a drink. A strong drink. Matt seemed…content, for the moment at least. He probably wouldn’t notice if he slipped away for a moment, right? It took him a few minutes to work his way through the throng to the bar. Jimmy wasn’t tending tonight–it was an all-too-cheerful sheep dog. He ordered a whisky and coke, drank it straight away, and ordered a second. He was halfway through that glass when the realized the drink tasted a bit strange…like it had a tinge of grass to it. He asked the bartender what brand of whisky he’d used, and all the dog said was it was one of Jimmy’s specialties. For obvious reasons, that didn’t help him feel better. Still, it was just a drink, right? And if something happened, it was still just for the night, so what could it really hurt? In fact…why…why not order another one?

A barstool opened up next to him, and he settled onto it, the bartender bringing him a third round. He took this one a bit slower, relishing the flavor a bit more along with his second cigar, which he pulled from the pocket of his jeans. Sure, it was strange, but kind of nice. Like a fresh field, clover, wildflowers–maybe a tinge of manure. It didn’t help him feel less strange, however. He was too hot, even though he was just in a tank top. His boots were suddenly hurting his feet, and he ended up kicking them off–which felt much better. A headache struck at his temples, making his vision go a bit blurry. He swore, for instance, that if he crossed his eyes he could see his face…growing. But that…that didn’t make sense, did it? In the midst of it, he still noticed the bell tolling–one hour into the party, and things were already going terribly for him. The rest of the night wasn’t exactly shaping up to be much better. Still, he figured he’d disappeared for too long at this point–Matt was bound to be wondering where he’d been gone. 

He got up from the barstool, a bit unstable–then again, he’d just downed three surprisingly powerful drinks, so that much didn’t surprise him. What did feel odd, was that as the pain faded, he was left feeling…powerful. That was a bit too simple, but that was the only word he could seem to think of. The drinks had only slowed his head down further, and to be honest, the only thing he really wanted right now was a fuck. A good fuck, a rough fuck, the kind of fuck he’d only gotten from Stu, because if he was honest with himself, it wasn’t the fact that Stu was a pig which kept him coming back–well, it was part of it, for sure. But Stu…he could give him something. Something Matt had never been able to do, maybe something Matt couldn’t do. He walked back towards the trough, dimly aware that the crowd seemed to be parting easier for him this time. People seemed to be noticing him more, and they seemed a bit…scared? Awed? A bit of both? They all seemed smaller, that was for sure. He found Matt rather easily by the smell of him…somehow. He was scarfing down slop on his hands and knees, though he was quite a bit heavier, his gut nearly grazing the hay strewn floor around them. Seeing him, fuck–

Carl got down beside him, beside his pig, running his hands over his fat body, feeling Matt shiver as he did. Did it really matter that Matt couldn’t give him everything he needed? At least like this, he could…his thoughts trailed off, and he nuzzled Matt’s back, licking the spot between the straps of his overalls, tasting his sweat, snorting. Matt could sense that something was strange, but he…he really didn’t want to stop eating long enough to figure out what it was. Carl’s hands–he knew they were Carl’s, he could smell him (though he smelled much, much stronger than he had earlier…however much earlier that had been) but they didn’t feel quite like hands. They were hard and rough, and yet that felt amazingly good against his skin and the bristly hair filling in across his body. It surprised him when he felt, and heard the seat of his overalls rip open, the sudden draft as his ass was exposed to the air, but when Carl got down and started licking his hole, probing deep with his tongue, and something in Matt, that last bit of him frayed a bit more. He was just feeling so…so dirty, but also so free. He only noticed it too late to stop it, the piss flowing from his cock, soaking through his jock and right into his overalls, the front sopping wet, leaking piss to the floor, but he didn’t stop himself. He didn’t stop because it smelled amazing, because it felt amazing, because he’d secretly always wanted to, or maybe not, but he did now, and suddenly that was reason enough.

Carl’s tongue retracted, one rough hand smacking his fat ass, “Dirty fuckin’ pig, pissin’ all o’er yourself,” even his voice was gruffer than before, more gutteral. He hefted himself back up, snorting, hauled out his cock, and started pissing all over Matt, soaking him down with his stink, Matt feeling it run down all over his body, into his crevices and folds, making him even muskier. What was wrong with him? He shouldn’t be enjoying this, wanting this. He felt something pressing against his ass, shoving its way in. It hurt and he squealed, but Carl no longer found himself caring. His big cock was still leaking piss, but he wanted in. He wanted to fuck, he didn’t really care how much it might hurt the hole. 

“S-Slow down, ya fucker!” Matt managed to yell into his slop, “That ain’t yer fuckin’ pinky!” He got no reply, and finally pulled himself out of the trough long enough to look back over his shoulder, his chubby neck barely able to bend enough to see, and he let out something between a squeal and a scream. 

That wasn’t Carl. That was…that was some fucking, massive minotaur, horns and everything, with his foot long cock buried halfway in his asshole. He wrenched his way from the trough, now in a panic–the thing behind him clamped down on his thighs, hard enough to bruise, trying to drag him further back onto his cock. However, a well placed back kick to the bull’s large sack made him let go, and Matt was able to scramble up as best he could, lugging much more fat than before along with him, and he fled into the crowd, not stopping until he was certain he wasn’t being followed. Only after panting for a few minutes, trying to not vomit everything he’d just eaten, did he put together something he hadn’t noticed in his terror. That minotaur–it had been wearing Carl’s costume. 

Back at the trough, Carl was cursing under his breath, his sack throbbing in pain from Matt’s well placed trotter. Furious, he yanked his pants back up and looked around, but couldn’t see Matt among the crowd. However, he did see someone staring right at him, a few yards away–Stu. The pig had discarded the dress and wig and was now completely naked, though he hadn’t bothered to take off the blush or the eyelashes. The boar waddled up to him with a smug grin on his face. “See? I told you he wouldn’t be able to handle the real you.”

Carl tried to focus through the pain, through his lust. “Ya…ya did somethin’, I’m…”

“You know, as Jimmy loves to say, the less you think about it the better, big boy. Let’s just say the bartender is…a friend,” He bent down and licked Carl’s huge cock from head to root where it was still sticking out of the his sheath and the fly of his jeans, feeling him shiver. “You don’t scare me, you know. I know how to make big bulls like you happy. Come on, let’s go have some real fun–I might not even charge you, if you’re good.”

Stu walked off towards the back curtain and slipped behind it, heading for his sty. Carl ached for too many things, all at once, but everything came down to his aching cock. He glanced about for Matt one last time, and then stomped after Stu, huffing thick plumes of smoke, unable to think of a good reason why he didn’t want to.

– Chapter 4 –

“J-Jimmy?…Jimmy!” Matt shouted through the crowd, forcing his way over to where the large man was chatting with a couple of goats, “I need tah talk tah ya.”

Jimmy did his best to suppress an eye roll when he saw the pig stumbling towards him–this was a tough nut to keep happy, obviously. “Excuse me for a moment,” he said to the others, and turned to the pig. On a second look, however, it was clear that the pig was in actual distress, and he didn’t see Carl with him. “You look like a bit of a mess, Matt. What happened?” The words that fell out of Matt’s mouth came in no easily discernible order, and his panic was only ratcheting higher. Jimmy twirled one hand, a large glass brimming with a dark ale appearing in his hand, and thrust it under Matt’s snout. “Drink this down first–you’ve obviously had some shock.”  

Matt was suspicious–and for good reason, but even smelling the ale was making him feel a bit better. He took the glass in his awkward hands and drank it back in a few glugs, feeling a bit run down the sides of his mouth. When he finished, he gave off a great big belch–and he expected to feel a bit hazy from the alcohol, but if anything he felt more clear-headed than he had all night. Jimmy pulled a cigar from his pocket–Matt was happy to see it, and let Jimmy giving him a light–feeling immediately better with it in his snout again.

“Bit better?”

Matt nodded, sighing out a cloud of smoke.

“Good. Now, what’s going on? Where’s Carl?”

“That’s, Ah mean…” Matt took a deep breath, and he went back to the start, how he’d been eating for…well, he couldn’t quite be sure how long he’d been eating, but at some point he’d felt someone working him over, and he’d assumed it must have been Carl. He glossed over some of the details–Jimmy had no trouble filling them in–the pig was still soaked to the skin with piss–and skipped to the part where he’d looked back and found himself staring up at some massive minotaur, or bull, or something. He’d freaked out and gotten away, but it was only after that he’d realized the bull had been wearing the same costume as Carl had. He’d gone back to the trough to look for him, but he’d disappeared, and he’d spent the last…who knew how long looking for him all over the room. He’d heard the bell go off twice at some point–he assumed for two in the morning, and he’d spotted Jimmy here, and hoped he might be able to help him find Carl.

Jimmy listened attentively, and when Matt ran out of story, he frowned. “Well, it sounds like Carl ended up getting…something at the bar, but I gave very clear instruction as to who should receive what…this is a rather embarrassing mix up, I must say. Follow me, let’s see if we can find out what happened.”

He moved through the crowd towards the bar, Matt struggling to keep up with him. Even though he was taller, with a longer gait, Jimmy could somehow flow through everyone, leaving Matt to stumble and push his way through, muttering apologies in every direction. He caught up in time to see Jimmy talking in a rather stern tone of voice to a dog behind the bar, who had his head down and ears back. He tried to ask what he’d learned, but Jimmy was no longer paying attention to him, just striding off towards one wall of the bar where a curtain was hung over a doorway, and Matt hustled off after him, sweat pouring from his body, the fat working its way off his body little by little, thankfully, as he walked, leaving him with a more manageable, if still very hefty, body. He reached the curtain after Jimmy had already gone through, and ducked behind it, finding himself in a rather dull looking locker room, with a hounddog manning a desk next to another door. 

“Interested in a room for an hour?” the hound asked, “you’re welcome to pay by the hour, and…are you alone? I’d be happy to match you up with someone, if you give me your preference.”

“No…what? I mean, did Jimmy just come through here?”

“Boss? I mean, he did–hey, wait! You have to pay first,” he said, trying to stop Matt from going through the door, but he steamrolled by him and into a long hallway lined with doors. Some were standing open. Behind the closed doors, he could hear all manner of squeals, groans, howls and grunts coming from them, but it was about halfway down that he saw Jimmy pounding on a door and fiddling with a large keychain full of keys, shouting at whoever was on the other side. Matt was exhausted from trying to keep up with him, and he walked down the hallway, heaving for breath around the cigar still clamped in his teeth. Jimmy found the right key, apparently, worked it into the lock and threw open the door, storming into the room. A few seconds after him, Matt reached the doorway and was able to see what was happening inside.

The entire room was filthy, the floor slick with mud and covered with straw, and it stank like a barn. On one large heap of straw to the side was the bull Matt had seen earlier…was Carl, actually. Matt could…recognize him now. He was lying on his back in the straw, and mounting him was a massive boar, shorter than Matt was now, but quite a bit thicker, and a bit more feral–large tusks sticking up from his fully formed snout, bristly hair covering his rough hide. He had a leash wrapped up in one trotter, connected to a collar around Carl’s thick, muscular neck, pulled taut, forcing him to keep his neck raised, even as he tried as hard as he could to thrust deeper into the pig’s hole, his own hooved hands bound up in front of him with chain manacles, both of them snorting and grunting and heaving, covered with sweat, neither of them paying any attention to Jimmy in the middle of the room shouting at them–or rather, shouting at the boar, who was apparently named Stu.

“Fucking get off him Stu! Don’t even try and tell me you don’t remember what happened last time you pulled this shit with me.”

The pig slipped down further onto Carl’s cock, making him blurt out a long, loud moo of lust, “I don’t know, Jimmy, he doesn’t seem to want me to get off him very much, and he is a customer. Isn’t the customer always right? I can’t help it that I’m a better fuck than his stupid boyfriend,” Stu said, throwing a quick glance over to Matt in the doorway, and tightening his hold on the leash with a snorting laugh.

“I said get off of him!” Jimmy shouted, and some strange force picked Stu up into the air, the leash unwinding from his trotters. He was still laughing and grunting, as he was thrown him up against the opposite wall on his back, pinning him there, Jimmy stalking over, the two of them trying to shout their way over each other. His cock no longer inside anyone, Carl gave a snort and looked up, trying to figure out where he was, his balls aching with unfulfilled desire and started jacking his cock with his bound wrists as best he could, snorting and mooing.

It was a mess, and Matt found himself unsure of whether he should walk away and try to pretend that he’d never been a part of any of this, and…and a second desire to…to walk over there and help that big bull take care of his needs. Because he was horny too–in fact, he’d been horny for months. In all the time Carl had been slipping away here, Matt had been the one to stay true. Not because he didn’t have a choice–he’d always had more than a few fuckbuddies who’d been willing to play with him in the past. No, he’d stayed loyal because he’d wanted to, for Carl, and all those months of jacking off, they just weren’t enough. That sex earlier in the day, that fuck at the trough…rough but…much too brief. He’d been terrified, but he’d also…he’d also enjoyed it. He didn’t know if that was him. He didn’t know if that was the costume, or the the potion. He didn’t know if there was really a difference anymore.

Carl rolled his head around, getting closer, and finally noticed Matt in the doorway. He stopped what he was doing, his hands frozen, his eyes wide. “M-Matt? Oh fuck, Matt, I…I mean, I don’t…it was, I mean…All I wanted was–”

That was it. That was all of it that he could take, and Matt turned around and started off back down the hallway. Because he didn’t care what Carl wanted; what he cared about was that Carl didn’t seem at all interested in what Matt wanted, in what Matt might be able to give him.

Carl struggled up from the straw, rolling off onto his knees, struggling to pull his jeans back up and get them up over his cock. He ended up getting the button done up, his massive cock hanging out the front–his jockstrap had already been torn off by Stu earlier. “Matt–Matt!” he shouted after him, “Wait–wait just a fuckin’ minute, I’m so fuckin’ tired of ya just walking away from me.”

Matt walked faster, but his legs couldn’t match Carl’s massive stride. The bull caught up to him in the locker room, grabbed him by the back of his overalls, and threw him into a corner of the room, blocking him in. “Will ya jus’ talk tah me? I’m sorry alright? I don’t–”

“Ah’m fuckin’ tired a listenin’ tah yer bullshit, Carl! Jus’ let me fuckin’ go. It’s obi–ovius ya don’t wanna be wit’ me.”

“Don’t wanna–Fuck Matt, why the fuck do ya think I did all a this, if I didn’ wanna be wit ya?”

“Ah don’ fuckin’ know! Ya drag me all the way ‘ere, ‘n ya still end up fuckin’ that pig!”

Neither of them said anything for a moment. 

“Have…Have ya got a cigar I can have? I could use one bad…” Carl finally asked. Matt sighed, but rummaged in his pocket, finding one with a lighter, sticking it in Carl’s snout and lighting it for him, since his hands were still bound up. “Thanks,” he said, “Look, Matt, I’m sorry. I don’…know wha’ happened.”

“Ya don’ know wha’ happened? What the fuck ya talkin’ ‘bout?”

“Yeah! I was trying tah git down wit’ ya, and ya freaked the fuck out! Ya say all this ‘bout wantin’ tah be wit’ me, and yer the one who went ‘n ran off first. Face it–ya can’t fuckin’ handle me! You can’ handle this, but this is me too! If ya wanna be wit’ me, then…then sometimes, I jus’…fuck.”

Would ya fuckin’ look at yerself?” Matt shouted, “If ya saw that fuckin’ yer hole, you’d a flipped out too!”

Carl’s snout curled up in confusion, “What?”

“Ya mean…oh fuck, a course,” Matt said, grabbed Carl’s bound hands and pulled him over to a bank of mirrors in the locker room, where he figured out how to unhook Carl’s hands from each other, “Have a fuckin’ look at yerself, ‘n ya’ll see what Ah mean.”

Carl knew he’d been feeling strange ever since those drinks at the bar, but he still hadn’t quite been able to articulate what was wrong with him. Hell, he hadn’t seen himself since he’d put on the costume, and even that had been odd, walking around, feeling “bigger”, but not really able to tell what had changed, exactly. For the last while, all he’d really been able to focus on was how horny he’d been, how sensitive his cock had been, and how…eager Stu had been to make him feel good. He looked in the mirror, and just like Matt earlier that day in in his kitchen, his jaw dropped when he saw himself, the veil of magic peeling away from his eyes.

No wonder he felt massive–he was massive. Next to him, in the mirror, Matt had to be close to six foot four–a big, hulking piece of boar–and Carl was easily a foot taller, his head a bit too close to the ceiling to make him feel comfortable, the two…horns pushing their way out of his temples coming dangerously close to scraping it. They grew out a few inches and then arced up, around the sides of the hard hat he still had on. His face had grown out similar to Matt’s, but his mouth was wider, his teeth broad and flat behind his lips, his wide nose pierced with a thick, silver ring–though he couldn’t remember when that might have happened to him. He still had on the collar Stu had put on him. He reached up and unhooked it with a bit of fumbling–it had to be at least a foot and a half long to reach around his massive neck. His entire body was coated with a thick layer of brown hair, but he could still see his skin underneath, and the tattoos coating his body, much like he’d seen on Carl earlier. He no longer had hands–much like Matt–it looked like a hoof split into three black, solid fingers–he also could see why his boots had felt so uncomfortable–his feet had become actual hooves. The rest of him had bulked up–he was packed with muscle, his arms bulging out of the tank, which was riding up, no longer able to contain his big gut. The cock hanging out of his jeans had to be at least a foot long, and his balls were equally sizable and covered with the same brown hair all over the rest of him. He looked like…like a brute. Like the brute he’d…always kind of felt like, especially when he was with Stu. No wonder Matt had been so terrified of him–if that had walked up behind him and started fucking him, he would have had a few questions too.

“Fuck, is this why Ah sound like such a fuckin’ hick? Ah look like I jus’ rolled in from the trailer park,” Matt said beside him, looking at his own reflection too.

Carl looked over at him, smelled him. He still reeked of their piss from earlier, and he…he couldn’t help but want him. Not just because he was there, like with Stu, but because…because it was Matt. “I think ya look pretty hot,” he said, stepping closer to him, pushing their bellies together. “Kinda makes me wanna finish what Ah started back by that trough.”

“We…we were tryin’ tah have a ser–surios talk, Carl…Ah wanna know what ya have tah say fer yerself…” he trailed off, sudddenly more interested in how good he smelled–how good they both smelled, actually, and how hard the bull cock pressing against him was, under his gut. 

“No, Ah don’t…I don’ got anythin’ tah say,” Carl said, “Ah can’ make this better. All Ah know, is that this…this is me. This is me too, this is maybe me more‘n anythin’ else. Now ya know, Ah shoulda told ya before all a this, Ah know. Ah spent…so much time tryin’ tah hide it from ya…but Ah think ya’ve been hidin’ somethin’ from me, too.”

“Ah don’–”

Carl pressed his hoof to his lips, quieting him, “No–let’s…let’s not be that us, fer a bit. Hell, I’d be happy never bein’ that us ever again. That old us. Let’s try…somethin’ different.”

The bell rang out three times, as Carl took the collar and wrapped it around Matt’s neck, pulling it tight, and Matt’s mind raced. What…what was he doing? Was he gonna just…let him do this to him? He kind of wanted to, he kind of wanted…wanted all of this. Maybe…maybe this was part of him, as much as he hated admitting it. Carl wrapped the leash up in his hoof, pulling it tight, bent down and kissed him, his long tongue pushing it’s way into Matt’s snout, exhaling smoke into him, feeling the pig suck it from his lungs. 

“This is…hot and all,” the hound behind them said, “But are you two gonna get a room, or just fuck right there?”

“Don’t know–ya got somethin’ a bit…muddy, for me ‘n my hog to play in?”

“A mudroom? Sure thing,” the goat said, and took a key from under the desk, “That’ll be fifty bucks an hour…hey!” 

Thanks, we’ll take it,” Carl said as he walked past, picking the key up from the desk with a snort, and marched off down the hallway, pulling Matt snorting and grunting behind him, amazed at how much this was turning him on. 

“Fine, I’ll…I’ll just put it on your tab then!” the goat shouted behind them. Carl found the room and pushed it open, shoving Matt into it, watching him fall in the pit of mud in the middle of the room and start rolling around in it, grunting, and Carl snorted, his cock rock hard, and followed, shutting the door behind him.

Quite a while later, Jimmy finally emerged from Stu’s room, his tuxedo rather muddied and dirty. He focused and cleaned himself up again before walking off, already dreading having to try and sort out the mess Stu had made of all of this, and cursed himself for always trying to play matchmaker! Why couldn’t he ever just be the proper, uninvolved businessman? He shook his head and passed by one of the mudrooms, where he heard a very low, familiar squeal, and a voice, gruff and deep, shouting, “That’s right pig, ya like daddy’s cock in your hole? Fuckin’ take it! Take all a it!” Followed by a long, extended moo.

Obviously, things had sorted themselves out. He fiddled with the ring of keys hanging from his waist. He should probably check on them and make sure everything’s ok…but then again, it sounded like the two of them were…busy. Hadn’t he just been saying he should butt out more often? besides, he had a party to host, and those two had sucked up so much of his time already–at least this way the two of them might sort out their problems on their own. 

Four bells rang, and eventually, five more. The party was beginning to wind down a bit, and Jimmy had forgotten about the two of them in the room entirely. Inside, Matt and Carl had finally reached a point of exhaustion. Both of them naked at this point, Carl was lolling half in, half out of the mud pit in the center of the room. Matt was coated with it, and it suited him. He still had on the collar, Carl still had the leash in his hand, pulling his head around to different parts of his musky body, Matt happily licking the bull’s fur clean of their piss, cum and mud. Matt had to be honest–that had been the dirtiest, but best, sex of his life, and he didn’t need to talk to Carl to know his big bull felt the same way. 

The bells started again–dawn already. Carl knew that meant the two of them should get out and leave, but he was suddenly feeling so lethargic. By the fourth chime, he looked down and saw that Matt had stopped licking–he’d fallen asleep–his head across his thick thigh, cock against his face. By the fifth, Carl was asleep too. Out in the bar, the rest of the revellers had fallen into the same slumber, all of them except Jimmy, who was standing in the midst of them all, pleased that yet another Halloween party had gone so well, even better than last year’s. As they all slept, he saw everyone around him start to revert back to their usual selves. Some had a few…lasting changes, but you couldn’t do magic without a few consequences. Still, as long as you didn’t think about it too hard and take too well to the change, you could usually get away relatively unscathed. 

Some, of course, had never planned on getting away without a few changes, some more extreme than others. The older man in the cop costume was slumbering in a booth, a german shepard curled up under his feet–he’d be having an interesting life for a year–or longer, if he ended up preferring life as man’s best friend. With a wave, those normal enough to go back to their lives disappeared–all of them would wake up in their own beds. Sure, maybe not the exact same beds–a few of them might have taken to their costumes, and find themselves in a…new walk of life. The magic usually managed to sort it out well enough, at least, though he’d never really been able to figure out why it affected some people more than others. The only people who remained were those looking stuck in the middle. He’d have to have some awkward conversations with them when they woke up in a few hours. They’d probably be stuck working with him for the next year–still, there were worse fates, he supposed. He realized that he had never actually checked in on Carl and Matt–he stepped over the remaining bodies in the bar and slipped behind the curtain, hoping he wouldn’t be stuck with either of them for the next year–one night had been plenty exhausting. He unlocked the door to the mudroom, peeked inside, and it was empty, thank goodness. Matt would probably be a bit…thicker, but hopefully they wouldn’t be in for too much of a shock when they woke up in a few hours. 

– Chapter 5 –

Carl let out a low grunt, the sunlight slanting in at an odd angle across his face. Wasn’t…wasn’t the window usually on the other side? His head hurt, either way–what a fucking party. He had no idea how in the hell he’d gotten home–the last thing he could remember was the mudroom, Matt licking him clean…

He was already horny, his cock hard with morning wood. He rolled over, listening to Matt’s loud, violent snoring. He was turned away from him; Matt inched closer, pressing his gut into the small of his back, nuzzling his beard against the back of Matt’s hairy neck, feeling the old leather collar there Matt refused to take off–the silly pig. He pushed his cock between Matt’s ass cheeks, getting his still loose hole a little slick with precum, and the slipped the head in gently, inch after inch, until Matt finally woke with a snort. “Fuck, yer still hard after all tha’ last night?”

“When the hell’m Ah not hard?” Carl said, pushing it in the rest of the way, listening to Matt snort in pleasure, feeling him push back. He wormed his arm under Matt’s bulk and pulled him tight to him, spooning him with his cock buried to the hilt. There was…more of Matt than he could remember…or was there? His big hands found Matt’s big nipples and started tweaking them, licking his ear and nibbling at it with his teeth as he thrust in and out a bit quicker, eventually rolling him over, face down, and mounting him, cumming deep inside him after a few minutes, and then collapsed down on him…and looked around the room.

This…this wasn’t his apartment.

Hell, this wasn’t even an apartment at all!

He pushed himself up, looking around–or rather up and down the single wide trailer where they’d woken up. The queen bed was at one end, and through a flimsy door he could see a kitchenette piled with dishes, and at the other end a living room, side tables with ashtrays filled with cigar butts and ash. 

He licked his lips–he needed a cigar, actually…what…had he been thinking about again?

He slipped his way out of Matt’s hole, his pig rolling back over, playing with his hefty gut before wrapping his hands around his cock, jacking it slowly while he grunted a bit. Carl rolled his legs off the side of the bed, grabbed a cigar from the humidor there, and lit it. 

“Fuck, git me one too, would ya?” Matt asked. Carl handed him the one he’d just started, and lit a second one for himself, before taking over for Matt’s hand, slowly milking his…very large cock. His…strange looking cock, actually, or was it that strange? It didn’t look quite human–the shaft twisted oddly, but that was just how it looked…right? Matt went back to tweaking his meaty nipples, moaning around his cigar until he too exploded, shivering with pleasure as wave after wave washed over him, long after his cock had stopped spurting. Carl licked the cum off his still muddy hand, and wondered what that must feel like. He’d always been a bit jealous of Matt’s massive orgasms. 

Matt was content to loll for a bit longer in bed, and Carl was again struck by a sense that something was off. This…this wasn’t where he lived. Or, more accurately–this is where he lived now, he knew that somehow, but this isn’t where he’d lived before this, he could remember…kind of. It was like trying to hold onto a dream, but the more he focused on it, the clearer it came. He looked down at himself–his firm pecs and solid gut, his cock hanging down between his legs off the side of the bed, still dribbling cum. It was…huge. At least a foot long, and it too looked a bit strange. Not at all like Matt’s–but the head seemed a bit misshapen and narrow, and it was very pink, but it was…his, wasn’t it? 

He needed to see himself better. He got up, vertigo hitting him as he did, considering how close his head was to the ceiling. he had to duck and turn to the side slightly just to get through the door in the trailer and into the bathroom. It reeked of piss and didn’t look like it had been cleaned in quite a while–the mirror was grimy, but he could see himself well enough–the short hair, the bushy beard with flecks of gray, the big bull ring through his septum, studs in his ears, and smaller rings in his nipples. He had his tattoos from…before. He couldn’t remember when he’d gotten them all exactly, but there they were anyway, all over his arms, chest and gut–even circling his neck. It seemed wrong, and yet normal, which only made it feel more wrong. Feeling a bit nervous, he found himself chuffing a bit harder on the cigar, which at least helped him calm down a bit. 

The bed creaked, and after a few moments, Matt appeared in the doorway of the bathroom, and squeezed behind Carl to get in front of the toilet. He was bigger too–though not as tall as Carl–with a thick, barrel body that still sagged slightly, counterbalanced by a wide ass. Just like Carl, he too was covered with hair, and beneath that, just as many tattoos as him. His beard was quite a bit larger, and his head was shaved bald. He grabbed a sizable beer stein from the top of the toilet’s tank–though Carl wasn’t sure why it was there–until he saw Matt put in under his cock, and with a grunt, he started pissing into it, filling the massive glass at least three quarters of the way before he finally shook his cock, spraying piss everywhere, and raised it to his lips, drinking down his own hot piss.

“Wha’…what the hell’r ya doin’?” Carl asked.

“Huh? Why, ya wan’ some? Got plenty. Well, enough fer me, ‘less ya got some too,” Matt smirked, taking another drink, a good bit running down into his beard, he slipped the stein under Carl’s cock, rubbing his bull gut with the other.

He…did want some, but that was beside the point. This wasn’t…He felt his cock release, adding his piss to the stein, the heady scent filling the bathroom with their smoke. It brimmed over in a matter of seconds, piss slopping onto the bathroom floor, Matt pulled it out, got down, and finished drinking the rest of Carl’s piss right from his cock–Carl reached down and picked the stein up in his hand, and took a long drink of their mixed piss. “Fuck, tha’s better,” he said, licking his lips, “Ah never feel right ‘til Ah git mah first drink a piss in the mornin’.” Matt was only half listening–he dropped to his hands and knees, cigar on one hand, face to the floor licking up the puddle of piss Carl had made between them. Matt finished cleaning the floor, and stood back up, taking the stein back and having another drink from it, and Carl asked, “Matt, do ya…feel like somethin’s…different tahday?”

“Whadya mean?”

“Ah…Ah’m not sure myself.”

“Well, Ah got everythin’ Ah want,” he said, stepping closer to Carl, inhaling his smoke and musk, “Got mah bullfuck, got mah piss, ‘n after Ah git breakfast, everythin’ll be jus’ fine. Come on, Ah’ll cook.”

Carl sat down at the cluttered table and watched Matt get to work in the kitchen, and food came out in a steady stream–pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage (chicken, of course)–he had no idea how he was able to navigate the mess and make it happen, but they tucked in–Matt eating much more than Carl, but the nagging thought still wouldn’t leave him. They finished up, leaving the dishes were they fell, and Carl said, “Let’s go out tonight.”

“We were just at The Barnyard, Carl, ‘n Ah don’ feel like drivin’ all the way tah the city. Ah think it rained last night, why don’ we find a big puddle ‘n have some fun closer tah home?”

“Don’ ya…haven’t ya noticed that…that this ain’t all right? That we’re…this…” Carl tried to finish the sentence, but everything in his head either sounded insane or made no sense, even to him, “Look, Ah still owe Jimmy fer the room last night, we should go pay.”

“We ain’t gonna git paid til Friday though.” Carl gave Matt his “I’m the boss” stare, and the pig backed down. He loved Carl, but he could be so damn stubborn. “Fine, but Ah git tah pick the outfits…” Matt said, with a wink, and started digging around the piles of clothes littered around the trailer. He tossed Carl his well worn leather pants and a bulldog harness–for himself he got in a full harness, and over that a dirty jock, bulging obscenely from trying to contain his massive bulge. 

“Yer goin’ lookin’ like that?”

“Ah never wear more ‘n this, ya know that.”

At…at least put on some o’eralls, fer the ride.”

Matt rolled his eyes, but did as Carl asked. Carl pulled on the leather pants, but he could only fit into them by forcing his thick cock down one leg, where it fell into a well worn bulge, his crotch still bulging out with his massive balls. They pulled on their boots, and climbed into Carl’s old truck, pulled out of the trailer park, and drove toward the city. It was a long drive–about an hour and a half, but they made it regularly. Carl had no real idea they’d ended up so far away, but he somehow knew his way around the winding back roads so he could get to the highway. Matt occupied himself during the long ride by sucking Carl off slowly on the way, jacking his own cock as he did. 

Night was just falling as they arrived, managed to park on the street, and headed into the bar–but as soon as they were inside, Matt unhooked the overalls and stashed them away by the door. “What the hell’r ya doin’? Put those back on,” Carl asked.

“What? Alright, wha’ the hell’s the matter wit’ ya tahday?” Matt asked, “Ya’ve been actin’ all weird since we got home las’ night.”

“Ah don’t even remember gettin’ home, do ya?”

“Sure! Ah mean, we must’ve, right? We woke up in bed after all.”

“So ya don’t remember actually gettin’ home?”

“It’s all a lil’ blurry, but who fuckin’ cares? Yer the one who wanted tah go out tahnight, so we’re out! Let’s have some fuckin’ fun at least,” he turned and headed for the bar proper, “Honest tah goodness, ya can be so damn frast–fusteratin’ sometimes.”

Carl followed him. The bar was back to normal, including the clientele. Like always, the room seemed to be split between two camps–on one hand, was everyone waiting for the curtain, and on the other was the rowdy regulars…who were all shouting Matt’s name as he walked over, joking and kissing, blowing smoke at them…and Carl knew them too. All of them. By name. He knew what they did for a living, what their piss tasted like, who liked taking a round with him and Matt in the mudroom. It was…too much to take in, and he veered to the bar where Jimmy was polishing glasses in his jeans and flannel, eyes widening when he saw Carl plodding over to him.

“Huh…” Jimmy said, “I…suppose you’ll be wanting an explanation then? And a drink–you’ll definitely be needing a drink, I think.”

“No fuckin’…ya mean…Ah ain’t goin’ crazy?” he said, propping himself up on a barstool.

“No crazier than the rest of them,” Jimmy said, looking over at the mob of men which Matt had joined.

“Ya knew this was gonna happen…Wha’ the hell, Jimmy?”

“No, I knew that this ‘could’ happen,” Jimmy replied, setting a beer down in front of him. “It’s an important difference. Did Matt notice at all? It doesn’t look like it.”

“No, he’s got no damn clue. Look, how do we change back? Ah can’t, Ah mean, Ah kinda like it, ya know, but we can’t…we got jobs we gotta  go back tah tahmorrow.”

“Well, you don’t have the jobs you used to have, I can tell you that.”

“Of course Ah do! Ah was workin’ construction–we both were…right? Nah, Ah mean…what…was Ah doin’ bahfore…” his mind drew a blank, “Look, jus’ change us back, alright? No harm no foul.”

“Well…it’s complicated, you see. With magic, the more you notice what’s going on, the more likely the change…sticks to you. And I can’t just wave my hand and put everything back–see, it’s kind of like this…” Jimmy spoke his explanation, and Carl listened as best he could, but it was kind of hard to follow–especially since Jimmy kept using these big words he didn’t recognize. He focused on drinking the beer Jimmy had given him instead. It was…different than the one he’d always had before, but it was nice. The more he drank it though, the less since Jimmy was making…and the less he cared about whatever he was talking about. Carl didn’t know how to get him off the topic, so he just fidgeted on the bar stool. 

Finally he interrupted him, after finishing the rest of the beer, “Jimmy, Ah gotta be honest–Ah got no fuckin’ idea wha’ yer talkin’ ‘bout.”

Jimmy smiled, and shrugged, “I wouldn’t worry about it–it doesn’t really matter anyway, does it? By the way…I think Matt might be getting a little, uh, carried away over there.”

“Gah fuckin’…” Carl said, looked over his shoulder, and saw Matt on his hands and knees, face buried in one of their friend’s crotches. “He ain’t even had nothin’ tah drink yet…”

“Here, take him a beer–I like him better drunk,” Jimmy said with a laugh.

“Heh, tha’ makes two a us…” Carl said, and took the two beers, cigar clamped in his jaw, and walked over to join his friends, his concerns now just a shadow of a shadow, “Who the hell told ya fucker’s ya could git mah pig all riled up without me?”

The guys all laughed, and the curtain slipped up on the other side of the bar, another man scurrying out, nervous and edgy. It gave Carl a sudden sense of deja vu, but more than anything, he was glad that wasn’t him. He sat down with the rest of the guys, Matt digging out his cock and sucking him hard, Carl rewarding him with his first load of piss for the evening. Sure, they had work early tomorrow, but they needed this too. Hell, the Barnyard was really the only place either of them felt at home anymore, with the rest of the guys, with Jimmy.

“You still have a hundred and fifty on your tab Carl, don’t forget!” Jimmy shouted at him.

“Yeah, yeah–payday’s Friday,” he said, grabbed the back of Matt’s head, and drove his cock down into his throat, happy and content in the Barnyard.

Flash Commission – Greene Aged Tobacco

Garowan the tanuki brought the package inside from the porch, his striped tail swishing happily to and fro, excited that his tobacco sampler had finally arrived. It was a new variety of aged tobacco he’d seen advertised online, from a company called Greene’s. Curious, and happy with the low price, he’d ordered one just to give it a try. He opened up the box, and let out a little disappointed growl. What a ripoff! Sure, the sampler had been discounted, but inside the wood box with the Greene label on the front, there had been nothing more than a single cigarette rattling around.

A fucking cigarette! He didn’t even smoke cigarettes. He’d had a couple when he was a teenager, sure, but he preferred cigars. He picked it up, wondering who he was going to have to contact to complain about this, and brought it to his snout to take a sniff. It didn’t smell like the cigarettes he’d had before, actually, which had a sharper, cheaper scent. It was pleasant, actually. A little woodsy, a little rum, a little vanilla. He looked at it, and decided why not? He’d ordered it, he might as well try it. He could still complain about it to the company and get his money back, even if he used it. The box was decently sized, after all–it was probably supposed to have more stuff in it than this, and someone had packaged it wrong. He went into his living room, got his lighter, and lit the cigarette, taking a small draw on it, holding the smoke in, and then exhaling it into the air around him.

It was nice. Really nice. All of those flavors he’d picked up with his rather sensitive nose were still there, blended nicely together, without being too cloying or artificial. He gave his sizable nuts a scratch as he took a deeper drag, inhaling some of it this time, and felt a surprising little zing that went right to his head, making him feel a little light headed and dizzy. Apparently, whatever aging process they used made sure the tobacco packed a punch as well. He enjoyed the rest of the cigarette for a few minutes, that rush suffusing the rest of his body, and smoked the cigarette down to a small butt, before dropping it in the ashtray. It hadn’t been a total waste then–the tobacco was great. Now he really did wish he’d gotten a complete sampler, instead of just that little taste. He started back towards the kitchen, where he’d left the box, but before he could get there, be passed by a large mirror hanging on the wall in the living room, and then paused, staring at his reflection, a little confused.

He looked different. Not…all that different, he supposed. The fur on his cheeks and around his muzzle was thicker and a bit darker brown, looking like a proper beard that older tanukis usually grew. His body looked a little heftier. His arms were thicker with a bit more muscle, and his belly had grown fatter. Not my much, really. Just enough to really be noticeable, and to make his underwear look a little strained, especially since his nuts had grown as well. For tanukis, that was one of their main signs of age–their substantial sacks grew their entire life, and elders in particular often had sacks so large it made it a bit difficult to move around at times, though they usually managed. The fur on his belly had darkened and thickened as well, becoming a substantial treasure trail running up his larger gut. If he had to guess, he looked like he’d aged about ten years or so, into his mid-thirties, but he looked…good, somehow.

He went to the box, wondering if it might have some explanation, but there wasn’t anything like a note or warning. There was something new in the box though, something that hadn’t been there earlier. It was impossible that he could have missed something, it must have somehow just appeared there after he’d smoked that cigarette. It was a sizable smoking pipe, dark brown with a bent stem, and a little pouch of what he assumed must be tobacco along with it. He picked up the pouch, paw shaking a bit, opened up the top, and gave it a little sniff. Sure enough, it was the same aroma, though a little stronger, the flavors a little deeper, melded differently. Aged more. He could just tell from the darker, deeper scent. But if this tobacco was aged more, did that mean that, if he smoked it, he would age more too?

He went back to the mirror and looked at himself again, at his older body. He tried to imagine what he might look like even older and…and why was he even considering this? He couldn’t smoke this shit, who knew what it might do to him, he needed to get help. He went back, intending to throw the pouch of tobacco in the trash, but smelled it again, found himself getting a bit lost in it, and realized when he pulled it away from his snout that his cock was leaking in the front of his tight underwear. Without taking time to second guess himself, he picked up the pipe, dumped the tobacco in it, and tamped it down. The whole pouch fit in the bowl perfectly, and he went back into the living room, got his lighter, and lit the pipe, drawing the sweet smoke through the stem, relishing the flavor again, enjoying the subtler notes he’d missed before.

He sat back, took an inhale off the pipe, and again, felt that same surge of energy off the tobacco as before, but while he still felt alert and energized, it was coupled with a rather profound sense of relaxation. He sank back into his armchair, and this time, he felt it as it was happening, his gut grumbling slightly, and then began to expand. Pipe in his mouth, he rubbed it with his paws, groaning a bit from the pressure. The gut was rather soft and pillowy, flowing around him, spreading out across the chair, thighs growing closer together. He could see the fur on his belly that had grown in before thicken further, and when he was about halfway through the bowl, it changed color again, the brown lightening to a steely grey, contrasting with his the prown pelt across the rest of his belly. It was joined by his beard, he realized after a moment, which was long enough to reach his chest now, and the same greyish color–almost the same color as the smoke coming from the pipe itself. His chest was growing as well, packing on fat until he had two sizable moobs resting on top of his gut. His nipples in particular grew as well, and the two piercings he had in them grew as well, from a pair of studs into two sizable gold rings. 

He smoked the pipe down to ash, and then sat for a moment, looking down at himself, surprised he wasn’t more horrified. He set the pipe aside, and hefted himself up from the chair, his legs and back aching in ways that he didn’t expect, but which he supposed came with his new age. If he had to guess now, he was probably in his late forties. As he walked into the kitchen, he could feel his nuts swinging against his knees as he walked, the constant stimulation provoking a constant leakage from the head of his cock. Along the way, his underwear finally gave up and shredded away, leaving him entirely naked. 

Something had appeared in the box again, where the pipe had been. It was a cigar, and not a small one, either. At least an 80 ring, if not larger, and close to nine inches long. He’d only seen cigars that large in pictures on the internet, never in person. He picked it up, paws shaking a bit, and brought it to his nose. The smell of it made him salivate–he could almost taste it, just from smelling the wrapper…but he shouldn’t, right? If he did, how old was he going to get, anyway?

He resisted the urge for a little while, moving around in his new body, getting used to hefting around his new weight, his sizable balls. He couldn’t stop thinking about the cigar though, and come evening, after a sizable dinner to feed his new bulk, he sat down with the cigar in the living room, punched it, and after a moment, brought it to his lips and lit it.

It took some work, getting it started, because it was so large. The thing was so big it stretched his snout uncomfortably wide. At last, he was satisfied with the light, sat back, and took a sizable draw off the end, a bit greedy for the smoke even, and sighed out a thick plume, delighted with the flavor. The cigarette had been just a tease of this depth of flavor. It was the most delightful, savory smoke he’d ever had, in fact. Again, he felt the smoke spread through him, permeate him, and he grew again. Soon, his fat was spilling over the sides of the armchair, which was creaking under the weight of him, his balls sagging lower until he realized they were large enough to rest on the floor in front of the chair, his meaty thighs pushed wide apart by the massive sack. His jaw was aching from holding the cigar, but when he pulled it free for a moment to give it a rest, he realized that wasn’t the only reason. His tusks were coming in, his lower jaw jutting out, growing thicker, and two stubby incisors pushing their way out of his lower jaw. He put the cigar back in, happy to discover that it was much stronger, and could support the cigar easily while his paws explored his growing body.

His fur thicker, and all over his belly, the brownish grey lightened further to a stark white, as did his beard, which now reached down to the massive belly button in his massive gut. His moobs were even larger now, and when he squeezed them, he let out a little grunt of surprise and pleasure when he felt something leak from the nipples. Looking down, he realized he’d matured enough to start lactating, something that didn’t happen to every tanuki, but if it did, it didn’t usually happen until they were in their sixties. It felt…good, and the rings in his nipples grew even thicker, almost as thick as the massive cigar he was smoking. The smell was beginning to permeate him now, and the smell of the tobacco was joined by a scent of his own musk, growing stronger and more pungent, with a definite pang of smoke–but that wasn’t surprising. After all, he’d been a near constant smoker for years now, why wouldn’t he smell of smoke?

He shook his head, but that memory was real, as real as his other ones. He could find himself remembering other things, a whole life that he’d lived now, leading to this new body. He was happily retired, well supported, and didn’t have to worry about anything. He could even sense, somehow, that he hadn’t really lost any years off his life, through these changes. He would stay like this for years now, for as long as the years he had lost, probably close to forty or so, before aging any further. He finished the cigar, set the butt down in the ashtray, and heaved a final, contented, smoky sigh. It was a lot to consider, really, but he didn’t regret any of it, though he was horny as hell after all of that, and his massive balls were aching for release. He pulled himself up, and saw he’d already accumulated quite a puddle of cum around his balls on the floor. No matter, he knew a few cubs around who would be more than happy to clean it up for him–maybe while he had another cigar, or two.

Frat Daddy: Interlude #5 (Jimmy/Bear)

Jimmy didn’t understand how they could all do it. Just…go along with it. Ever since Daddy had appeared and taken over the house, Jimmy had been hoping that someone would say something, or stop it, and while there were so boys would put up resistance (like Jake, who was going out every night to fuck girls in various sorority houses around campus, no one was…fighting this. Jimmy wasn’t fighting it either, mind you, but he wanted someone to, mostly because he was, well, falling behind. But then, Jimmy usually found himself behind, if he was being honest. He was a freshman, and he’d rushed the fraternity with a couple of his friends that he’d met at school, who assured him that it was going to be the best way for Jimmy to meet, and ideally fuck chicks. Jimmy hadn’t fucked anyone before–he’d had a few near misses back in high school, but he’d never gotten further than touching a boob. Jimmy wasn’t the most handsome, or the most athletic. He kept hoping that he would find a time to really shine–that’s what his mom always told him would happen at least, that he’d find his place at school, but now that so much had changed, he only felt like he was flailing more. 

Jimmy tried to keep up with the rest of the house as best he could, but he knew he was falling behind–although falling behind of what, he didn’t know anymore. What did he want out of any of this? He’d already hated being in the frat. His friends didn’t really talk to him anymore once they’d gotten in, and most of the other guys in the house just ignored him, and he’d already been looking for a way to get out as soon as he could. Now though, the rest of the boys were all, well, thriving, he supposed. Some of them especially, like Mike and Carter, were taking really well to Daddy’s new direction. Most of the rest of the guys were guzzling shakes, working out as hard as they could, and packing on mass. Jimmy struggled. He would drink as much as he could, but he’d struggle to even hit the goal Daddy had set for them, and if he did hit it, he’d feel so gross he wouldn’t be able to join the rest of the guys for the evening workout. He’d just smoke a cigar, horny as hell but with no outlet, and go to bed early. The other guys would come up, fucking each other into the evening and night while Jimmy laid in bed and hoped no one would accost him. No one did, which somehow made him feel worse. He was just getting fat, and the fatter he got, the more he hated himself, and the more he hated everything about all of this.

Each Friday night, he would stand at attention with the rest of the boys, utterly terrified that Daddy would pick him to come over for the weekend, but also desperate for some sort of recognition. Just…to know that he was noticed, and not simply disappearing. Daddy didn’t say anything to him usually, but he did see him, see through him, into him, and that was somehow worse. Eventually, it happened. Daddy had been taking a couple boys at a time, but this weekend, he only selected Jimmy. The others looked confused–why would Daddy want that loser, they would wonder. Jimmy didn’t know either, but he followed Daddy downstairs, through the tunnel, and into his dungeon. He was terrified that they would stop there, but instead Daddy led him upstairs, where dinner had been prepared, and Jimmy devoured the first real meal he’d had in ages. Daddy ate too, but he mostly watched. They were both silent, Jimmy looking up at the older man on occasion, wondering if he should say something, or if saying something was a trap.

“Is this how you got your way through life so far?” Daddy asked as they finished their plates, “Staying quiet and hoping no one would notice you?”

Jimmy didn’t know how to respond to that, so he just kept mum, hands in his lap, eyes on his hands.

Daddy got up from the table, and motioned for Jimmy to stand as well. Daddy circled him, making a few little hmms and haas as he did, and Jimmy hated it, feeling like he was under a microscope all of a sudden. Of course Daddy had brought him here because he was a failure. He was probably going to kick him out. Would that be a bad thing? Isn’t that what he wanted anyway? A way out?

“Why did you join the frat, Jimmy? What were you looking for?” Daddy asked as he finished his circle.

“I wanted to…have sex with girls,” Jimmy said, a little horrified at how his mouth had just poured that out so easily. “My friends said it would be easy.”

“Have you been having sex with your brothers now?” Daddy asked, giving Jimmy’s cock a squeeze through his jock.

“Not…really. A few have fucked me, but I’ve never pulled out their plugs.”

“You must be a little pent up then.”

Jimmy nodded, and blushed, embarrassed that he’d admitted it all so easily.

“Do you want to fuck them?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“Are you sure you don’t know?”

“I do, Daddy.”

Daddy nodded. “Alright then. Come on, let’s have a smoke, boy–Daddy’s cock needs some attention. Tomorrow, I have something I’d like to try with you.”

They retired to the lounge, where Daddy and Jimmy smoked a pair of cigars, and Jimmy spent the rest of the evening between Daddy’s legs, blowing smoke over his cock and sucking on it until Daddy fed him a sizable load–then it was time for bed, and Jimmy found sleep difficult, wondering what Daddy could have in mind for their day tomorrow.

After breakfast, Daddy left Jimmy to clean up while he disappeared for a little while, and then reappeared from downstairs. He told Jimmy to follow him down, but they stopped before they reached the dungeon. Daddy showed him three masks that were laid out on a side table. Jimmy hadn’t ever seen these sorts of masks in real life, but he’d seen pictures of things like them in porn before. There was a fairly standard looking pup hood, made of leather and neoprene. Next to it, was a rubber pig hood. Lastly was one he hadn’t seen before. It was similar to the pup hood, but clearly it was modelled after a bear, and made with much thicker leather pieces, with some metal studs to signify fangs on the snout.

“I think that each of these would appeal to you, in one way or another,” Daddy said, “A mask isn’t a solution, but it can…let us escape from ourselves from a little while, imagine something different. If you want my honest opinion, Jimmy, your problem isn’t that this place is a bad fit for you–it’s that you don’t know what you want to get from it, so you feel listless. This might help give you something to hold on to. Go on and pick one, and then we’ll go play.”

Jimmy picked up each of the masks, but wasn’t brave enough to put any of them on himself. He felt silly, like it was Halloween or something. There was one he preferred though–he handed the bear mask to Daddy, but Daddy just motioned for Jimmy to put it on. He did, not expecting anything miraculous from the experience. Daddy helped get it centered on his head so he could see easily, and then put him in front of a mirror, and the reflection…it did feel different. It was his body, but it wasn’t his face. The mask made him look tough. Like no one would want to mess with him. He tweaked his face a bit, and managed to bare the metal fangs of the mask, and a little thrill went through him, much to his embarrassment. He almost pulled it off then and there, but Daddy secured the mask to his collar and locked it, and then pushed the masked Jimmy into the dungeon, where he found himself looking at a boy on the fuckbench, hooded so he couldn’t see who it was, exactly, and there weren’t any other identifying features that he could see.

“Well, you told me you want to fuck a hole, Bear,” Daddy said, “So fuck it.”

Jimmy balked, at first, but something else pushed him forward, something…instinctual. He gripped the boy’s hips in his hands, hard enough for the young man to moan through the gag in his mouth, and Jimmy’s cock was already hard. Fuck, he couldn’t do this, could he?

He looked over at the mirror, and a new thought came to him. Maybe Jimmy couldn’t. Maybe Jimmy was too scared, too timid, too worried, too anxious. But was Bear any of those things? Bear didn’t look like any of that–Bear looked like a fat, furry, beast who was ready to fuck. He pulled the plug out without taking the time to second guess himself, and pushed his cock into the boy’s already lubed hole, and he moaned–no, no moans from him. Bear growls. Bear grunts. Bear fucks hard and mercilessly. Bear doesn’t take shit from anyone. Bear knows what he wants, and Bear takes it. Jimmy fucked hard, came once, and just kept going. Bear doesn’t stop until he’s satisfied, after all, and Bear has not had enough sex in a very long time. 

Finally, after three loads, Jimmy stepped back, exhausted and sweating, and looked at himself in the mirror again–but he wasn’t looking at Jimmy, not at the Jimmy he recognized. He was muscular, covered in hair, a thick beard pushing out from the bottom of Bear’s mask, tattoos on his chest and arms, a thick cock with a PA in the head, two massive balls swinging below it. He gaped at himself, until Daddy stepped up, unlocked the mask from his collar, and pulled it off–and the illusion was gone. It was just him standing there, and a very well fucked boy moaning on the fuck bench, obviously quite satisfied.

Daddy pulled him out of the room and took him into a bathroom where Jimmy had a shower, and when he stepped back out, the boy was gone, and the masks were as well. It was just Daddy waiting for him, and JImmy understood what he’d meant, sort of. But that hadn’t really been him, had it? No–that had been the mask, it had changed him, he’d felt it. Daddy told him that he didn’t need the mask–that if he really wanted to become Bear himself, the only thing standing in his way, was himself.

It made sense, in a way. Daddy spent the rest of the day with him in the gym, giving him some pointers on exercising, encouraging him to convert some of that bulk to brawn, but when Jimmy asked if he could wear the mask again, Daddy shook his head. “You can’t just rely on the mask–things like that can have a mind of their own as well, if you aren’t careful,” Daddy said with a slight smile, “Never put it on without me there to supervise, alright?”

That sounded like bullshit to Jimmy, but he nodded in agreement. Maybe he had a point after all. But part of him couldn’t get past the idea that Bear was…different than him, that putting on that mask had given him some extra power that he didn’t have on his own. When he returned to the house that Sunday, feeling and looking a bit better, he did his best, and to some extent, he managed. He kept up with the meals and the workouts, and the other boys that had always ignored him, that he’d always assumed had despised him, didn’t seem so bad after all. But it wasn’t easy. It was work. After a week of it, he found himself falling back into his old habits, isolating himself, but now he couldn’t blame it on everyone else. Now he knew that he was making a choice, and that hurt.

If he could just wear that mask again, if he could just feel like that again, it would help, he knew it would. He found himself hoping on Friday that Daddy would take him again, though he’d never taken the same boy two weeks in a row. He didn’t, of course, and while Jimmy knew that his hope had been irrational, he still felt betrayed. Couldn’t Daddy see that he was still struggling? That he needed help? But it was all in his hands, he knew that. He could make the change, he could do the work, he could be that person he’d seen in the mirror. But if he was the one making the change, then why couldn’t he decide to use that mask to help him along?

He knew that was a bad idea, after what Daddy had said, but it stuck with him all the same. Saturday night, after a long rough day of struggling to make progress, he couldn’t resist it anymore. He went downstairs, crossed through the tunnel into the dungeon, going as quietly as he could, and found the three masks hanging on the wall. He pulled down Bear again, held it in his hands, and if he hadn’t been certain before, he was now. It wasn’t…alive, but it was aware. It had power. Whether it had power because he believed it did, or because Daddy had put it there, it didn’t matter. He pulled the mask on again, and felt that rush from before when he looked at himself in the mirror, watched himself growing thicker and hairier, a good amount of fat melting off his body and being replaced with muscle. He saw the tattoos on his body appear again, saw his thick cock grow hard and begin to leak, and he wanted to fuck so bad. Maybe…just go back to the frat, fuck one of the boys who was still awake. He could do that, right?

He went to leave the dungeon, only for a sudden sense of vertigo to send him to his hands and knees, the room spinning around him. Something was wrong. He was still…growing? No, he was still changing, but not getting bigger. Was he getting smaller? Growing more compact, maybe, his height contracting to around five and a half feet, even more mass piling on him as he grew hairier, coated in a full pelt of fur now. The voice from the mask was louder now, so loud! Not so much a voice, just…thoughts, desires, thirsts. He tried to pull the mask off, but couldn’t get a grip on it, like the leather had somehow fused with his neck. His skin…why did it feel so rough and leathery all of a sudden? His face ached, feeling like the mask was tugging on it, contorting it, teeth aching. He roared in pain and collapsed–the last thing he remembered was the sound of feet on the stairs, and Daddy was standing over him, when he fainted.

Jimmy didn’t remember much, when he woke. Daddy was there with him, still on the floor of the dungeon, stroking his side and back, making Jimmy moan. Daddy sighed. “I warned you about this, but I didn’t think it would go this far.”

Jimmy tried to ask him what was wrong, but his mouth didn’t seem to cooperate. He could get out a few words, but between his aching face under the mask, and his addled brain, nothing made sense, really.

Daddy hushed him, and kept him comfortable, gripped the amulet around his neck, and stroked his head. “Hush now, my bear. Go to sleep. Everything will make sense in the morning. It’s not what I wished for you, but it seems you may have made a place for yourself anyway. You’ll be more than happy, I promise.”

When Bear awoke, it was on the floor of the dormitory upstairs. He looked around, a bit discombobulated, but this was where he was supposed to sleep, right? He looked around at the little corner the boys had made for Bear, someone between a brother, a house mascot, and a pet. No one really knew where Bear had come from, if you asked them–especially not Bear. No one could recall Jimmy had ever existed, and his bed and belongings had seemingly evaporated. Bear crawled out of bed and gave a shake and a yawn, showing the rather…inhuman mouth he had inside that leather mask that never came off his head. No one knew for sure if it even could–Bear had been known to snap at anyone who tried to mess with it too much. Other than that, he was completely naked. Even when the boys took him on campus to go to their football games, Bear remained nude, but no one thought it odd. 

Bear was still hard from the rather pleasant dream he’d been having in his sleep, something he couldn’t remember, but which had certainly aroused him. He bent over, and gave the head of his thick cock a little lick, his stout body surprisingly flexible. He eyed the boys around him, just rousing from sleep, saw Eric had bent over next to their bed, and before the boy could do anything to avoid it, Bear had crawled over, hauled his plug out with his teeth, growled something that was understood to be the word “Fuck,” and mounted him right there on the side of the bed, his cock driving right into the boy’s hole.

“Goddamn it Bear!” Eric said, pinned under the stout fellow’s substantial mass as Bear humped his hole. Still, there was no saying no to Bear. In fact, getting fucked by the brute was a pleasure, since his cum always seemed to have a rather…invigorating effect on the boy who got seeded. Bear responded to the boy’s annoyance by putting his mouth around his shoulder, not hard enough to pierce the skin by any measure, and letting loose a low growl as he thrust deeper. It was enough to remind Eric that his hole was Bear’s by right–and that complaining too much just meant he would get rougher. Eric relaxed, and Bear fucked, grunting and growling and snuffling until he unloaded in his hole with a roar loud enough to make the other boy’s turn in his direction. Once he’d dismounted from him, Eric pushed his plug back in, keeping all of Bear’s helpful cum in his hole. He glowered at the beast for a second, who was panting happily, and couldn’t stay mad. Bear ended up on his back, growling and grunting while the boys all gathered around him, giving him his morning belly rubs, before going down for breakfast, Bear plodding after them–crawling through the room, and then toddling down the stairs on two legs, but hands and knees were preferable for him. Later in the day, Daddy came over to check on him and make sure he was acclimating well, but Bear had never been happier. He’d found his place after all, and he’d never look back.

Stud Service

WARNING: This one has some weird stuff in it. Furry, anthro, feral, bestiality, cock swapping, nullification. Consider yourself warned.

Jason found the entire story hard to believe, but desperation could be a potent reason to keep your ass planted in a chair, sipping tea while he listened to the strangest thing he’d ever heard. The farmer across from him was offering Jason a job, though it was unlike any job Jason had heard of before, and one that all of Jason’s better judgement urged him to call bullshit on and get the hell out. But what else did he have? Just desperation–and he could tell the farmer was desperate too. That was the main reason Jason was starting to believe him.

It was March. Jason had gotten out of prison a few years prior, his parole had ended, and he was left with nothing much to show for it. He scraped by with little jobs here and there–bouncing at strip clubs, seasonal work with farms around the countryside, the occasional drug running or dealing, but he didn’t want to fall back into that permanently. It had been looking like he didn’t have much of a choice, though, because once you’d been in prison, it was like the entire world was conspiring to put you back in there as soon as it could. So when he’d struck up a conversation at the bar this evening with Rick, the man who owned this farm, and he’d offered to talk to him about a possible job…Jason hadn’t really been in a position to turn him down.

But then Rick had started explaining what, exactly, he had in mind. See, Rick’s farm was in trouble. He had a variety of livestock–horses, cows, pigs, goats and chickens mostly–that he raised and that brought in a decent income, but after a string of bad luck–or sabotage–all of his studs had died, and the fees to bring in new ones were exorbitant. Well, Rick had a few tricks up his sleeve. Apparently, it had been cheaper to go out into the woods and make a deal with a witch there–though from the sound of it she wasn’t interested in currency–and in exchange, she had given him this set of enchanted rings.

This had been the most unbelievable part, but when Jason had challenged him on it, Rick had taken him out to the shed and shown him his new set of tools, for lack of a better word, and Jason hadn’t had much choice but to accept he was telling the truth. There, hanging on the wall, were four sets of genitals–a stallion, a bull, a goat, and a pig–all of them procured from various rival farms around the state. Jason had touched a couple, and they were warm, and alive. Now, apparently, what Rick needed was a host–and that was where Jason came in. 

Rick couldn’t do it himself–there were risks involved, apparently. But if Jason would agree to be his stud for the year, then he’d walk away with thirty percent of Rick’s income for the year–and have his room and board covered, of course. According to Rick, that would be close to 50,000 dollars if things went as well as he hoped they would. It was more money than Jason had seen in his entire life, and the idea that he could get a little breathing room was amazing–but that wasn’t quite the reason he said yes, in the end.

Jason hadn’t just gone home with the farmer because of the job offer. The bar they’d met at hadn’t been just a seedy trucker bar off the interstate. Whatever Rick had used to brew the tea hadn’t hurt either. Rick wasn’t the handsomest fellow–a bit on the short side, chubby, smoking his pungent pipe the entire time they’d been talking–but something about the way he touched Jason’s hand, pulling off his shirt, the feel of their tongues together–it was comfort that drew him in at last. Jason hadn’t been with a man since prison. He hadn’t been with a man like this since his last visit with his uncle, when he was eighteen. Something had a hold of him, and that night, in the farmer’s bed, smelling the mix of their sex with the grass and manure flowing in from the open window, Jason threw caution to the wind. It was crazy. But what was really wrong with crazy, at the end of the day? 50,000 dollars was too good to pass on, no matter what he had to do to get it. If all he had to do was…fuck some animals? Hell, it was better than running drugs and getting shot at, that was for sure. That, and Rick could be worth it too, maybe. Maybe there’d be a place for Jason here too, at the end of things.

So the plan, as Rick laid it out, was this. Mares first, in the first few weeks of April. Then, the cattle. Assuming everyone took, that would mean calves and foals in early Spring. After that, a few weeks as a goat to set up the Spring lambs, and then some time as a pig to get the sows pregnant in time for the state fair in the fall. Once the sows had given birth, Jason would knock them up again, and they’d have another round of piglets in the early Spring. For those winter months, Jason would just be himself, let the side effects wear off (Rick had not yet been clear on what the side effects were, exactly, but he assured Jason that they were temporary. If not, then the witch had promised she would help him deal with anything that lingered) and then, Jason would help him birth the mares and foals in the Spring, and get his portion of the profits.

There was just one catch–naturally–the witch’s payment. Rick would have fulfilled it himself, but he was infertile. Jason would have to be the one to give her what she wanted–a child, and while pussy wasn’t quite his thing, he’d managed before. If all he had to do was fuck some weird woman, then he could manage. Jason didn’t recall much of the encounter–they went into the woods, and things grew…strange. Impossible. There was a woman. Jason had…trouble, given the fact that he wasn’t quite sure she was entirely a woman, or entirely human, but with a little coaxing, or a little spell, he got hard enough to perform. Satisfied, she sent them on their way again, leaving Jason feeling rather…uneasy about the entire experience–but after a cup of tea and a trip to bed with Rick at the farm, it just felt like a dream, and he could set it behind him.

The first few weeks were spent working with Rick on general maintenance. The older fellow had been living out here on his own, running the moderately sized farm himself for so long, that quite a few areas had fallen into disrepair. It was satisfying work, and Jason enjoyed the chance to get closer to Rick. It wasn’t quite love brewing between them, or at least, Jason did his best to keep it from that. Love was dangerous. It compromised you. He’d allowed men to compromise him before, and it had never ended well. This was business, Jason told himself. Best to keep it that way. He did keep a little coal of hope fired though, in his chest. A little hope had never hurt anyone.

Then, it came time for the real work to begin. Jason didn’t really know what to expect. Rick handed him the cock ring he’d have to put on first–it looked more like two rings, really, but the two were so tightly sealed together he couldn’t pry them apart, no matter how hard he tried. The rings were metal, but they could stretch–or rather, they would expand, and then, once they were around the base of his cock, they constricted again. Not too tight, but a bit tighter than any cock ring he’d worn before. Rick muttered a few words, and then he gave a little tug on Jason’s cock, and the rings separated–Jason’s cock and balls coming off, and leaving just one ring stuck to his groin…somehow. He couldn’t feel Rick’s hand on his cock and balls as he set them down on the table, took the massive horse cock off the wall, and pressed the base of it to the ring still on Jason’s body. There was a slight pinch, and then he could feel it–all of it, the heft of the massive shaft and balls hanging off his body. Then, Rick gripped the double ring, stretched it out, and pulled it off of Jason’s body–leaving him with a massive horse cock where his human one had been moments before. After that, well, it wasn’t quite clear what happened to him, exactly.

It was the same sensation he’d felt when they’d gone into the witch’s woods together a few weeks before. The sense of the impossible all around him–expect now, it was inside him as well. Not…chaos exactly, it was more ordered than that. Nature was being undone, something beyond it was taking hold, and it made Jason feel nauseous as his body tried to fight it off, and failed.

He fell to his hands and knees, retching, but nothing would come up. His entire body was shuddering and shaking, muscles flexing, bones creaking. It grew more and more painful over the next several minutes, Jason caught in a delirium, until at last, some new equilibrium was established, and he found himself…remade. He was not a horse, and he was not a human. His cock, which had hung loose before, had grown a sheath that ran up the length of his abdomen, covered in sandy hair. His arms and legs were still covered in human skin, but had the proportions of those of a horse–his hands gone, and replaced with hooves–though his fingers could still be made out, even as they were sealed together. His face was human but stretched long, with a mouth full of horse teeth, his human hair running down his back and becoming a mane, with a short tail hanging off his new rump. He was horrified, tried to beg Rick to change him back, but the words that came out of his shifted mouth were garbled and unintelligible. Rick whispered a few sweet nothings, and helped him sip some of his tea.

All Jason felt, after drinking it, was horny.

Rick led him to the field where the mares were waiting, and all it took was a whiff of their sex before Jason mounted one and began fucking her while the farmer watched, pleased. As soon as he finished, he climbed off of her, and before he could try and regain control of himself, he smelled another mare, and mounted her as well. He managed three before he was too exhausted to continue, but by then…something had happened to him. Thinking was difficult–more difficult than it should be. The farmer led him into the stable, gave him some hay, which he happily ate, though the small bit of his humanity recoiled at the idea, the farmer telling him that everything was happening just like it should be, that after a couple of weeks, when he was sure all of the mares had taken, then he would change him back. Jason wasn’t quite sure what he meant by that anymore, his mind dulling more and more, until it couldn’t be quite sure of anything. What didn’t fade, was that sense of wrongness. The unnatural which had taken root in his body. It made him anxious, and only the tea Rick brough him would help settle him down.

The days after that, the horny tea wasn’t required–Jason happily followed the mares out into the fields, fucked a few more each day, and returned to the stable without a second thought. The farmer would hang out with him and talk to him, but to Jason, the words were mostly gibberish at this point. Finally, though, the day came to change him back. The farmer placed the rings around his cock and balls, removed his stallion cock, and put his human one back on–and then took the rings off.

Everything twisted again, but for Jason, it was not a sense of undoing. Rather, everything seemed to turn upside down yet again, but the result was somehow even more disconcerting. After a few minutes, he was lying on the dirty straw, panting and gasping, Rick holding him close, whispering words in his ear that Jason couldn’t comprehend, while he tried to recall what it was like having two feet, and two hands. Things came back to him, slowly. He could walk upright again the next day, and understand most of what Rick was saying to him, but it was difficult processing it, and his own speech was slow and slurred. He felt stupid in a way that he couldn’t explain, and none of this was helped by what he saw when he looked at himself in the mirror in the morning.

He wasn’t fully human again. He was mostly human, sure, enough to fool someone not looking too close. His hair had returned, but still ran a good way down the back of his neck and upper back. He was more muscular than he’d been before, but the muscles bulged rather oddly–his shoulders and thighs more developed than anything else, and his forearms were too slender. His hands were clumsy, his fingers shorter and capped with thick, black nails. His face was at least normal, mostly, but his front teeth were a bit too large. Rick helped keep him calm, along with his tea, and told Jason that all of this was to be expected, and also wasn’t permanent. His body would slowly return to normal, though the process could take a couple of months–it was why he’d planned on having Jason fully human for most of the winter, so he’d have a chance to sort himself out again. Jason was not happy to be told this when it was too late to do anything about it, but he knew he was, essentially, stuck now. He couldn’t very well leave–not looking like this. Rick offered him a raise–forty percent now–and Jason agreed, though he wasn’t happy about being lied to.

Rick did ask him, after a few days, what it had been like, and Jason did his best to recount what he could remember–but what he did remember was rather distant. Rick seemed especially interested in whether Jason could remember what Rick had said to him, and Jason couldn’t–he didn’t understand speech much at all. It was like his brain had shut off, running almost entirely on the instinct running from his cock. At the end of the week, when Rick told him it was time to work on the cattle, he was almost relieved–being some strange human bull would in some ways be easier than this…mostly human bullshit.

Once his cocks had been switched out, he found himself on all fours again, hands and feet replaced by hooves. His face was contorted with a bullish snout, though the top and sides of his head remained entirely human. His torso thickened and bulked out with more muscle, even more than when he’d been a stallion, and his thick bull cock was even more insatiable than his horse cock had been before. He spent all day in the meadows with the cows, mounting and breeding them, his mind lost in a dullness deeper than before. Rick visited him often, but a few days into his stud service, Jason noticed something…different about him. Different about the way he smelled. It was still human, but familiar in some…other way. Something in the water made him…sleepy, and he only dimly realized what was happening halfway through it, as Rick pushed Jason’s tail to the side and fucked his ass right there in the stall.

In their human bodies, Jason had, thus far, been the top. Rick was a bit older, and was not endowed with anything sizable or in reliable working order. It had been easier, really, for Jason to take the lead–and he’d rather enjoyed showing the shorter, fatter farmer just what kind of a stud he could be. But after that first fuck, Rick would fuck him every day, sometimes twice, his words unintelligible, but the underlying tone was…forceful. After the first week, Jason was surprised by Rick grabbing him by the snout, and putting a thick ring through his nose, the farmer sneering at him while he snorted and grunted in pain, and then he fucked him–harder and rougher than he had at any point before…but whatever was in the water, Jason found himself enjoying it more and more, submitting to this…man, even as he dominated the cows in the field during the day.

He remained a bull longer than he’d been a horse by about a week and a half, mostly because there were more cows on the farm to service. The day came, at last, for the bull cock to come off, and was replaced by Jason’s cock again, but like before, his form was not…entirely human. In fact, the lasting effects from his time as a stallion were still there as well–such as the mane, and the teeth–and some were enhanced by his time as a bull as well. He was larger, for one thing–close to six and a half feet tall, with more muscle everywhere. He had a difficult time standing fully upright, and his hips ached no matter what he did, his hands mostly useless now, with the fingers fused at the nails in several places. The mental fog was stronger this time as well, and while he couldn’t be…certain, Rick seemed a bit different as well. He looked a bit younger, and somewhat slimmer. The more dominant attitude he’d developed while Rick was a bull remained, and even though his cock wasn’t large, he still managed to fuck Jason regularly, and also started making odd demands, having him service him, dragging him around by the ring still cemented in his nose. Jason found himself…enjoying it. Being treated like an animal, like a slave. Crawling around was one of the few ways his warped body didn’t ache at the end of the day, and with Jason’s encouragement, that was how he moved through the house, at least until it was time for the goats.

This time, Jason ended up growing smaller, but it felt good having hooves again, being back on all fours, breeding the does in the fields. He was also rather proud of his new horns–rather fine ones that Rick liked to admire when they were back in the barn after a day’s work, when Rick would fuck his ass until Jason was screaming in a voice somewhere between a human and a goat. Again, Jason noticed that after a day, Rick changed–it was that same smell. He was bigger too, more muscular, and his cock was larger. Jason didn’t complain of course, and his animalistic mind didn’t really understand any of it clearly. He just wanted to fuck, or be fucked, all the time–sex was the single most important thing, driving everything else out of his mind until his humanity was just a distant memory. But there were only a few does on the farm, and after about a week, Rick returned him to his human form–but this time, it was…different.

The cock he found the next morning, after he’d regained some of his capacity to think, wasn’t the one he could remember having, vaguely, from before his time as a goat. It was smaller–much smaller, just three inches or so when hard. The hair around it was greying as well, and when Jason looked at himself in the mirror, he knew that something was very wrong–he was too short, too fat. He looked older, somehow, in ways that he couldn’t explain, but there was so much off about his body that it difficult to tell what was really different. Was the white haired goatee around his mouth from his time as a goat, or was it because he suddenly seemed twenty years older? There were his new horns to contend with, not particularly large, but they were obvious. His eyes hadn’t returned to their human color, and were still the yellow and black of a goat. His body was still bulky with muscle, but his frame had shrunk–whether because his last form, as a goat, was shorter, or because of his different genitals, he couldn’t tell. But Rick was different too–taller, broader of shoulder, most muscular. The grey in his hair was gone, and replaced not with the brown Jason swore he could recall him having, but instead a stark black. He tried to ask what was going on, but his voice hadn’t returned. The best he could do was bleat and shout, still like a goat, and Rick told him that was alright. He didn’t need to speak. He didn’t need to think. He was just a stupid, horny animal after all, craving Rick’s big cock. A cock he…recognized, didn’t he? But why wouldn’t he? It was the same cock Rick had been fucking him with all Spring long, right? He’d try and puzzle it out more, but get lost along the way. Being human was hard, he decided. It was what he was supposed to be, of course, but he found himself anxiously anticipating his next round of stud work.

In the meantime, Rick’s rule grew stricter. He told him that an animal like him didn’t deserve to sleep in a proper bed, but should stay out in the barn where he really belonged–Rick kept him tied up by the ring still in his nose, all day long, visiting him a few times a day to fuck him, and talk to him, and taunt him with his big cock. The more distance he got from his time as a goat, the more his mind cleared–and he almost realized it, eventually. That the cock he had now wasn’t the one he’d had before, that Rick had…switched something on him, but as soon as Rick realized he was getting close to asking the right questions, it was time to breed some sows–and he gave Jason a new cock to keep him occupied for a few weeks.

His time as a pig was a frantic blur. There was a new hunger now, gnawing away at his mind. He needed to eat all the time, and Rick was more than happy to make sure his prize pig’s trough stayed full all day and night. The breeding of the sows felt more and more perfunctory to Jason as the days dragged on–all he could think about what Rick’s cock sliding into his piggy hole in the barn, fucking him while he squealed and grunted, or better yet, getting fucked while he was feasting on as much slop as he could shove down his gullet–but there was one thing that Rick didn’t quite count on–that pigs were much smarter than hoses, or bulls, or goats.

Confident that his hold over Jason was firm, Rick had grown lax in making sure the pigman in the barn was being fed his usual doses of the various teas he had procured from the witch over the last few months. The lustful tea, the subservient tea, the calming tea–together, they had all combined to mold Jason into a moaning animal, lusting after Rick’s cock–his perfect cock, now that he’d gone and stolen Jason’s member and cast aside his own. He hadn’t felt this strong in ages, and the longer he kept it on, the more he could see himself becoming Jason entirely–and he coveted it more than anything else in his life.

This hadn’t always been the plan–but ever since that first time he’d tried on Jason’s cock out of drunk curiosity, he hadn’t been able to think about anything else–and the witch had been plenty eager to use his new member as well, milking him of cum for her own twisted purposes, deep in the woods. Jason on the other hand, knew too much. He would have have a good life here, though, as an animal, a freakish sex animal for Rick’s private pleasure, too stupid to even realize that he’d lost all of his humanity in the process. But the usual mental stupor that usually came over Jason when he transformed didn’t come this time. And when the tea slowly flushed from his system, Jason found himself realizing, slowly, that Rick’s body was not the body he had had before–he was looking up at himself. 

Rick would taunt him, and while Jason couldn’t understand all of the words he was saying, he understood well enough, what was going to happen to him if he didn’t do something–he would never be getting his portion of the profits. He would never even get off this farm. Before too long, he’d be rendered too dumb to want anything more than his Master’s cock in his ass–and the worst part was that part of him, a part of him brainwashed too far to do anything about, wanted it too. He had to escape–he had to get help. But the only place he could go, the only person who could, perhaps, help him, was the witch.

And so, in the dead of night, when he was certain that Rick was asleep, he managed to get himself out of the pen where he was being kept–his awkward half-human form being useful for a few things at least–make his way out of the barn, and he disappeared into the woods. He couldn’t quite recall the exact location of the witch’s hut–but he could feel his way there. Feel the wrongness, the way nature twisted and warped the closer he got, the forest growing darker, gnarled, and heavy the deeper he went. He found the witch, nursing one child and obviously pregnant with another, and he pleaded with her, begged her, as best he could without a voice, for her to have mercy on him, and free him from this nightmare–all he wanted, was for all of this to go back to normal.

She got down and stroked his bristly back, cooing to him. “I’ll give you what you desire. If normal is what you crave, then so be it–normal is what you will be.”

Jason wasn’t sure what he felt, after that. After so many months of things twisting out of place, of his sense of reality warping further and further, of everything feeling like it was in flux–there was, at last, a hardening. The sense of nausea that had plagued him since he’d first replaced his cock with that of a stallion, began to settle. He was at peace, and the last thing he recalled, was letting out a heavy sigh and grunt, and passing out on the floor of the witch’s hut.

Then, he awoke in a stall, in the barn, and he knew, immediately, that things were…normal. That the state of flux he had existed in for most of the last year had faded, and passed beyond him. He knew, somehow, that he would never change again–and that filled him with a sense of relief he could barely describe–at least until he tried to stand up, and discovered the trotters where his hands should have been. They were the trotters he’d had when he’d been a pig–and he crawled over to the water trough in his pin, looked at himself, and groaned in horror. It wasn’t a human face looking back at him–or at least, not entirely. There were glimmers, here and there–mostly the eyes. But the rest of him…he was a pig. He had a piggish snout with a big metal ring in it. Floppy pig ears. A curly pig tail. His front legs ended in trotters, but his back ones ended in more human feet. His fat torso didn’t have the usual bristle of hair that he’d had before, but instead the curly body hair of a man running down his belly and back.

He tried to scream. He tried to speak. All he could do was squeal and grunt, until the commotion eventually drew Rick to come check on him, but he didn’t seem at all surprised as what he found there. Rick just proceeded to feed his favorite fuckbeast, and then plowed his ass and filled him with his first load of the day. It felt…so good, to Jason. Better than it had ever felt before, for reasons he couldn’t grasp. When Rick pulled out of him, all he could think about was how he needed more…a corrupt thought spreading through him, beginning to push out the rest of him that realized how deeply disturbed all of this was. But he had to focus on…on the cock.

Or rather, on Rick’s old cock. If he could get the rings, if he could get Rick’s old cock at least, maybe he could fight back, try and save himself, but when he looked down at himself–Jason began to sob instead. His groin was entirely empty. The pig cock he’d been wearing for the last few weeks was gone, and the ring that remained, even when switching cocks out, was gone as well. He realized, then, that there would be no escaping this–any of it. He’d asked for this to be normal, and in doing so, he’d asked it to go on forever–he’d asked to remain like this permanently. The witch, in her immeasurable cruelty, and given him exactly what he’d asked for, and Rick, from the glimmer in his eye as he gave Jason a kiss on the snout and a playful tug on the ring in his nose, seemed to know exactly what had happened to him.

“I’ll be back in a little, piggy,” Rick said, “the witch made a little adjustment to the rings’ magic, and so I shouldn’t have to go looking for another stud anytime soon–I’ll be able to wear them myself. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You want to feel me rip open that ass of yours with a big bull cock? Because that’s what I’m going to do next, I think. That’s what you deserve, for running off like that. But don’t worry, you won’t be going anywhere ever again. I can see you fading already, that little light in your eyes. She said you’d last long enough to realize what happened to you, but that once you did, you’d fade faster and faster, until it’s just the animal inside you left. The part of you I love the most. Don’t worry–I’ll take good care of you. You’re my favorite, after all. All of this was possible because of you, and I’ll show you how much I love you every day, my piggy–every single day.”

The Journal of Peter Bishop

This story was commissioned by Tauro2, who I also want to credit as a co-writer on the piece. After reading my commission, he added a few entries of his own, especially to the ending. Hope you all enjoy it! You can find more of his writing over here.

Report 4610-12 of the Special Investigations Bureau


What follows are excerpts from a journal found, found at a trail head in the Rocky Mountains in April 2018. The journal belonged to one Peter Bishop, who had gone missing on the trail in July of 2017. The journal has been determined to be authentic by one Tasha Holmes, who was Peter’s girlfriend at the time of his disappearance. He kept the journal as a record of their backpacking trip through the wilderness, and his encounter with two other men, still unidentified, known only in the journal as Saul and Jim. What follows are excerpts from that journal relevant to Peter’s encounter with Saul and Jim, their activities together, and material relevant to his disappearance. The journal itself is considered a class two contaminant–access to the journal itself is restricted to level three classification with full PPE protocol 7 required for access.


July 16th, 2017 

[…] As I’ve written earlier, you get a strange sense of loneliness out here on the trails. I think I have seen more animals out here any people, and given how Tasha can get when she’s bored, I sometimes wonder if they might be better company! We’re a few days out from the next trailhead, where we can go down to town and resupply, maybe spend a night in a bed even! 

It was a surprise then, and a welcome one, that when he rounded a corner of the trail we found a nice campsite, and it was already occupied! I couple of guys were there, named Jim and Saul, already settled in and cooking themselves dinner–a rather tasty looking roast hare that Jim had, apparently, snared himself earlier in the day. They were generous with the meat, and neither of us had had fresh anything in days–since our fishing skills leave much to be desired, as I have noted.

It was nice having some conversation for a change, and both Jim and Saul have a great sense of humor and quick wits. Tasha, though, was quiet all evening, and it was later that I found out why–she was understandably nervous about the two of us camping with two strange men out in the middle of nowhere–what if they killed me raped her, she wondered.

Sigh–she can be so extreme sometimes. I don’t think we have anything to worry about. […]


July 17th. 

We woke up this morning, to discover that Jim and Saul were braking camp themselves, and were heading in the same direction as us–towards the next trailhead. I suggested that the three of us might as well hike together for the company at least, and both Jim and Saul were thrilled at the prospect of me coming along with them.

Tasha was pissed at me though. She wanted us to camp here one more night, and then leave, so we could be away from them. I pressed her for more details, about why she was so nervous about these two, but she wouldn’t give me much of anything. They smelled, she said (we all smell–none of us have been near an actual shower in weeks) she didn’t like how friendly they were with me, while neither one of them had said ten words to her this entire time. A few times, she caught Jim looking at her with a real…nasty sort of disdain or disgust. Maybe he was, and maybe he wasn’t. It made me think about how jealous she could get, if we were at the club and another girl was looking at me. 

Knowing it would probably just piss her off more, but kind of enjoying it, I told her that they were probably gay. Two guys with few boundaries sleeping in one tent in the backwoods? She got all huffy then, but she knew I was probably right–it explained why neither of them had shown her any interest at all, but that only made her angrier I think. She didn’t really like gay guys much–though lesbians are fine if they’re flirting with her, naturally.

I’ll have to make sure she doesn’t read this part–but I’m starting to have my doubts. A month in the outdoors, relying on someone…you get to know them more than you want to, in some ways.


After lunch, we get moving again. Jim, who is pretty obviously the strongest of all of us, moves to the head of the pack. Tasha is behind him, and ahead of me, still mad about that dig I gave her over lunch, and that left me and Saul in the back, a good ten yards back from them both. Saul is…well, built like a brick shit house, and a few inches shorter than Jim. He’s plenty strong, but more in the ‘lifting heavy shit kind of way’ and not in the ‘cover ten miles a day for two weeks kind of way’. I like his pace a bit better honestly, even if he sweats like a pig, and kind of smells like one too, let’s be honest. We chat, and I ask them where they’ll be finishing their hike, and they tell me they’re heading to a particular cave deeper in the mountains. It’s a few days out from the trailhead we’re heading to, so they’ll be going off from there. 

I ask them about it, and Saul talks wistfully about it. Right by a massive mountain lake, great views, lots of stuff to forage, good hunting for snares. He and Jim usually stay there for a week, living off the land, before coming back. He did such a good job selling me on it, I kind of want to see it myself, honestly.


I mention it to Tasha in our tent, the cave, and she…gets so angry at me for even mentioning it. She tells me that Jim was so cold to her earlier, and…she swears he bared her teeth at her and growled when she tried to make conversation. Jim was so nice over dinner though–I don’t get it. They’re two perfectly nice guys–why does she have to try and hate everything that seems threatening to her?


July 19th

The weirdest thing just happened. The call of nature woke me up and I went out to piss on a tree. I was just about to start when Jim scares the shit out of me. How can he be so quiet moving through the forest? Not just that, he was shirtless. He has to be the hairiest guy that I’ve met in my whole life. He said that he needed to piss too and asked to join me. I usually don’t like peeing next to other guys, even in a restroom with dividers, but when he sidled up next to me–way too close for comfort…it actually was kind of nice, somehow. So we’re standing there, pissing away at the same tree, and Jim asks me about Sasha–it’s pretty clear there’s no love lost between the two of them. I guess I should have defended her more, but yeah, she’s really been a wet blanket so far on this hike. I finished up, wished him a good night, and he turned to say goodbye. It wasn’t until I got back to the tent that I realized that he had peed on me a little at some point. I could…smell it, and it made me a bit horny, somehow. I thought about waking Sasha up for a little fun, but I just ended up jacking off quietly instead. It seemed…better.


July 20th


I didn’t think she’d actually just…leave like that. Fuck–well, it’s too late to chase her down now, and honestly…I’d rather hike with Jim and Saul, if I’m being honest.

We hit the trailhead around noon, just in time for lunch. Tasha and I hadn’t mentioned the cave since I first brought it up–but now the moment of truth is here, and I start asking the guys about it again, just to get some more details. It’s about 20 miles, but the trail is rough and hard going–it takes about three days in, and two out–once you know the land–and you’re going downhill. Tasha immediately notes we don’t have the supplies–and she’s right. But after hearing them talk about it for days now, I’m, well, I really want to see the thing!

Tasha refuses to even play the game, as I try and figure out how to make it work. She wants us away from them as fast as possible, and she blows up at me, and at them, yelling that they’re turning me against her, that she hates them, that if I don’t leave with her this second, we’re through. She gets up, grabs her pack, and heads for town a few miles out. I let her–and figure she’ll come back in a second when she realizes she doesn’t have my half of the gear anymore–but while we wait a couple of hours after lunch, just relaxing and chatting…she really did just fuck off and leave me here.

I tell the guys I need to find her…but they just laugh, and tell me to leave her. She obviously doesn’t have my sense of adventure–and they’re right. Saul tells me that they have enough food for the three of us, that Jim is the best hunter, and Saul is the best forager, and we’ll have plenty to eat.

So fuck it. I went with them. Why not? I’m tired of Tasha anyway–I don’t care if she waits or not. I’ll be down in a couple of weeks probably, and we’ll sort things out then. For now–I want to see this cave, and enjoy the forest. That’s what I came here to do anyway–not to play stupid games with her.


Fuck, I just realized she has the tent with her. I told the guys, and they laughed, and told me I could sleep with them–said they’ll keep me safe from the bears and wolves.



July 21st

Well that was an interesting night. I had been carrying the food for most of the trip, while Tasha had the tent–when she marched off yesterday, we didn’t exactly take the time to redivide the packs. I told Jim and Saul that I’d just sleep under the stars, but they insisted that there was enough room in the tent with them…and they were mostly right. I figured I’d end up on the outside, but they put my stuff in the middle between them, and after the day’s hike along the narrow, overgrown trail, I was too tired to argue. Then, both the guys strip down to just their underwear–Jim in a…really nasty looking jockstrap, let’s be honest, and Saul just has on some equally nasty briefs, and they climb in and just sandwich me in there.

Jim is behind me, and spooning me, and my face is planted right next to Saul’s sweaty, stinking pit. I thought he smelled bad on the trail, but being that close to him–to them both, honestly–was something else entirely. They both fall asleep in moments, and I’m left trying to get comfortable–but I do drift off eventually…and that’s when it happens.

It must have been some dream. I can’t remember a single bit of it. All I know is that I’m woken up by Jim shaking me, and I’m shuddering, and realize a moment too late that I just had a wet dream between them. Saul is awake too, and the two of them just start laughing, and I feel humiliated, honestly, but then they’re hugging me tight, and…and I actually do feel better, you know?

I can’t remember the last time I’ve had two guys touch me as often as they do. They want to be around me. They want me here–I really believe that. And…more and more…I want to be here too.


Caught a whiff of Saul’s BO on the trail, and immediately popped a huge boner. Fuck–what the fuck is wrong with me?


As the day wore on, Saul and Jim kept taking off clothes, complaining about how hot it was. It was hot, but not…that hot, with this many trees and the brush we’re pushing through. But we hit a meadow just now, and I looked and saw Jim take off his pants too, and shove them in his pack. His ass…fuck, why the fuck am I looking at his ass? Jim wants to camp here for the night, and he runs off into the woods, mostly naked, to ‘set some snares’ while Saul lumbers off to go forage, leaving me alone to get camp set up.

These guys are so fucking weird, but why…fuck, I kind of miss them, and they haven’t been gone for half an hour. I heard a wolf howl in the twilight, and got a bit nervous. I hope they get back soon.



July 22nd

Another wet dream last night. Fuck, what the fuck is wrong with me? They’re the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had, and neither Saul nor Jim seem to care one bit. Once I wake up, they both just hold me close and…and they smell so good. Jim smells different than Saul, I’ve learned. There’s…this smell, like rust almost. It’s…thrilling in its own way too. I get hard again, while they’re cuddling me, and they suggest we all jerk off to relieve some pressure. I haven’t jacked off with guys since college in the frat, but I don’t object. I end up huffing Saul’s pit stink and stoking harder and harder while they both urge me on, and I cum again, another massive load–and then Jim is licking it off my belly, and his tongue feels too long in the dark, Saul snorting and huffing as he jacks his own cock, and the smells intensify suddenly, like something…changed, and I fall back asleep again not long after that, exhausted.


The guys have been teasing me relentlessly, and so I’m finally hiking naked with them, in just my boots. I thought it would be weird, but it’s actually…kind of nice. I can see a cliff face rising in the distance. The guys say we’ll reach the cave tomorrow morning or afternoon, depending on our pace. They’re…excited. I can smell it on them, and they’re quiet now. Quieter, I guess. I don’t know how I can tell really, it’s strange. I can smell…a lot of things better out here, somehow. Like the air is just clearer. I haven’t seen a jet trail all day, I just realized. The sky is so blue.


I feel like something must be happening to me, but I don’t even really know how to explain it. It started earlier today, as he hiked, we passed…something. A threshold. But the air got so much…brighter. Not light bright, but crisp somehow. I don’t know how to even write this. Saul and Jim seemed to sense it too, and…and they smelled different too, more pungent sure, but also…I don’t know, it’s so hard to describe what I’m feeling, and that’s not even the craziest thing honestly. I was going off to take a leak, and then Jim comes right beside me and grins. It was kind of like that night a few days ago. I don’t know how to make this sound…not crazy, or freaky, or whatever, but it wasn’t. It was…natural, somehow. He started pissing before me, and the smell from it hits me and then everything got foggy, like I can’t think, just observe. He pushed me down to my knees and started pissing all over me. And that smell covered me and I got rock hard. He circled around me and covered me and I just sat there and took it and loved it. I started jerking off and he kept going. He finished and shook the last few drops on me and I blew my load right there and I just fell over, not able to think, just experiencing it. Saul came over and they both lied down beside me, saying things that I didn’t fully understand. Something about being “marked”? I think. I just felt such affection for them. I know it’s gross and disgusting and wrong, but I loved every second of it. I think I love them. What’s wrong with me? Why is all of this happening?


July 23rd

We got to the lake–it’s beautiful. Fuck, they weren’t kidding, everything out here is damn pristine. I thought about Tasha this morning, and realized it was the first time I’d thought about her since two days ago, with the whole tent thing. I haven’t missed her, I don’t want to share this with her. But I’m so…fucking glad I met Jim and Saul. I feel…fuck, love feels like a stupid word for a couple of guys like them, but what else do I say? There’s something between them–something deep. I feel like they’re doing something to me. Drawing me in with them into the same bond. I feel closer to them than I have to anyone in my whole life, and…and now that I’m here, I don’t know if I want to leave, you know? I just…forgot to put on clothes this morning, just my boots, all three of us just walking around naked now, like a pack of idiots, or animals, or whatever. 


They have something planned for us at the cave this evening, I think. They keep whispering between each other, and looking back at me and smiling. It’s…kind of a hungry smile. But I trust them. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I don’t think I could help it now.


The following entries are undated. All of them were entered after the 23rd, The first several are likely from the following few weeks. Much of the handwriting is large, like Peter was writing with a hand not used to holding a pen.


Fuck it wasn’t a dream it wasn’t a fucking dream, I don’t fucking, how could any of that have fucking happened I don’t


I gotta write it down, I gotta write it. Just get it out, what I remember.

So we got to the cave. The place is huge, just…like a big worn out hole in the wall of the cliff, that also goes deep. We go down, and as we go, there’s these torches, and Jim and Saul know where everything is, like they’ve been here more than once. The cave is sloping down, and we come to a sizable underground lake where rainwater must have pooled for ages. But on the shore, all around us, are all of these…artifacts. 

I don’t really know what happened next exactly. There was something in my lunch–I thought it was just disagreeing with me, but I think…it was a drug. Something they gave me. I was floating, and everything swimming a bit. Saul had been supporting me down into the cave, and now he led me over to this stone slab and laid me down on it, and fuck, I thought they were going to kill me. I thought I was seeing shit then, when…Jim just fucking changed.

Fucking wolfman. He’s a fucking wolfman! I could hear his bones cracking, and all this grey fur sprouted all over him, a thick fluffy tail, and his fucking teeth, his eyes. I realized why he smelled like rust, why he was such a good snarer–and why he’d never let me see the rabbits before he cleaned them–because there would have been fucking fang marks on that shit. He was fucking hunting–as a wolf!

He’s looming over me, and Saul is too, except Saul is different also–though a bit…more human, I guess. His face–he looks like a boar. Short pig snout, these two long tusks thrusting out from his lower jaw, floppy ears. He has a short tuft of a tail behind him, his back covered with boar bristle. He’s just…huge, and thick–both of them are over six feet tall I think, and then they’re chanting, and…and Jim has this bear claw in his hand, a real fucking bear claw, and he drives it down into my chest.

It doesn’t hurt. I don’t even see blood–and the claw…it’s gone, like it just slid into my body and disappeared. I think I must be tripping, having some dream, but the more this is happening, the more I’m remembering my dreams from the last few nights, how…how I’d seen this happening. I knew what was coming next, could feel the power thrumming through me on the stone slab, Jim and Saul still chanting, the fires are so damn bright, and I start to change too.

I can feel it happening, but there’s no pain. If anything, it feels good, like the rush after you take a drug or something, this sudden euphoria as I watch my bones start to lengthen and shift, every part of me getting thicker, as a thick belt of black hair starts filling in across my body. My gut grows out into a solid mass, my shoulders so damn broad, and I open my jaw, almost like I’m yawning, but I can feel my face extending into a snout, tipped with a black nose, jaws full of fangs, my hands…are kind of human, but the nails are claws now. And I’m lying there, my cock harder than it has ever been, and still mostly human–though emerging from a sheath–and before I can do anything or even catch my breath, Saul is on it, sucking and licking at it, and I…roar? Moan? Something. I don’t know what these sounds are, but fuck it feels good.

Jim kisses me, and I can taste the blood now, and it’s making me hornier still. I…lose myself. Whatever they gave me, it’s only getting more intense, and I…I don’t remember much of what happened that night. I fucked them both, hard and rough, especially Jim. We…wrestled, and fought. Not serious, but I have a few bite marks, and I know I gave him a couple of scratches, before I topped him and…and I won, I guess.

Won is the wrong word. There’s nothing to win, but I showed…superiority. That’s the only way to explain it. I lumbered off into the woods in the early morning, terrified, unable to believe what I had become, what I was now, and…and I was starving. I stripped some berries off a bush and devoured them, I found a stream and…fuck, I just knew how to catch trout now, as they leapt out of the water and…I was so hungry. I caught more, I brought them back, and Saul and Jim had gotten some food for us as well, and we ate and…they told me everything.


I belong here, with them. I see that now. They knew that as soon as they’d smelled me, back with Tasha. It took me so long to realize it. I’m an idiot. Such a fucking idiot. 


The second night, I decided to be better to them. Gentler, maybe. I…I lost control, I didn’t know what I was capable of, and…and honestly, I still don’t, but it was a test too–to see who was strongest. I’m…in charge, I guess. Jim was before, and he thought I would be under him, but he doesn’t resent me for it. It’s not…anything strict. It’s…complicated, and yet so obvious and simple at the same time. I wanted this night to be about them, and about…me gaining a bit of control back. 

Saul stood in front of me. His cock was short but thick and oozed precum. Fuck, his balls; they’re like two hairy oranges dangling between his legs. I used my coarse tongue on his nut sack and then started lapping the cockhead. Jim started to give me a rim job. Fuck, he knew exactly where to put that tongue of his. Saul snorted the whole time and tweaked his nipples. I gave the occasional satisfied growl. Between my ass getting eaten out, the taste of Saul’s pre, and his musky bush, I was leaking pretty heavily. Finally, his thrusts increased and he shot his load into my mouth. Where does it all come from? I mean, yeah, his nuts are huge, but even I couldn’t possibly swallow it all. I don’t think that I got half of it. I moved to start sucking Jim off, and I wanted Saul to rim me too, but he warned against it with his tusks. I later learned that he had once tried a rim job on Jim; Jim couldn’t sit down for a whole week. Instead, Saul licked my cock from below while I deep-throated Jim. His cock was longer than Saul’s and I had to work my tongue around it to get the whole shaft. I came at the same time that Jim did, covering Saul’s face. Jim happily went down and licked his face clean. And then we just laid back under the stars, snuggling each other. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.


They helped me change back to human. I look different. I’m me, but I’m not really who I was. I smell different. I’m hairier, bigger, maybe even older, but that’s harder to tell. Clothes feel awful–we all hate wearing them. Even being human is–it feels wrong now. It’s not who I am, it’s just a mask, but we don’t want to wear the masks. Jim and Saul left for the winter to avoid the cold, and it took them all Spring and Summer to get back here. This place isn’t…a place. It’s a feeling, and a smell. I don’t know if I really understand it, but we’re all afraid to leave again. If we don’t find our way back, we’ll be stuck, and we…I think about the human world, and I hate it. All of it. I always did, that’s why I loved hiking. But with the three of us, late in the season…we want to try. I don’t know if we’ll make it, but we have to at least try.


The entries become fewer in number. Most detail their life through the fall and into the early winter.

We bagged a fucking elk! I can’t believe it. We’ve got this shit down. Saul spotted it yesterday and we made a plan. Saul and I chased it down a ravine to Jim’s hiding spot. He took it down like a fucking boss! I did feel a little sorry for it, but Papa Bear’s gotta eat. Saul carried it back to the den (and I got to watch his muscles work the whole time). This thing’s gonna keep us fed for a good week at least. Afterwards, we decided to have some fun, I was so ready. I stuck my nose right into Saul’s rank pit and came right there on the spot. I even let Jim fuck me, he deserved it. He was more than willing to eat me out right afterwards too. Fuck, that tongue of his. Saul blew his load down my throat and we all snuggled for a little while after in my den. Do we got this winter thing? Do we all shit in the woods?


Why did I read that last entry? So hungry. Did we catch that elk a month ago? I think? Things haven’t been good. The ground’s too frozen for Saul to dig out any tubers. I can still catch a few fish, but a lot of the streams have frozen over, and it gets old, nothing but fish. Even Jim can’t catch that much, just one or two rabbits every couple of days. It’s not enough. And those fucking squirrels! They know how to stay just out of reach. Even Jim can’t catch them. I got within a couple of inches of one and I swear the little fucker flipped me off,. I’m pretty sure he flipped me off. I’m gonna bite that squirrel’s fucking face off.


We finally bit the bullet. We left the cave and the lake, and came back, down the mountains, and into town. Jim managed to find a cruddy apartment in town where the landlord wouldn’t ask too many questions. It’s not much, but we’re together. And we don’t mind the cold, so we just keep the heat on enough to keep the pipes from freezing. It’s been rough though, getting used to…people again. Jim and I managed to get jobs at the general store, even in the slow winter months, and the work is a distraction at least. It’s been harder on Saul. It’s difficult for him to go out in public. He can shower, but he’ll start stinking again in about an hour. Of course, I don’t mind, but he gets nasty looks if he gets too close to people. He’s been shovelling sidewalks for cash, and other odd jobs like that, but I think he misses home more than both of us. Jim and I go to the bars, just the two of us; I feel guilty about it, but Saul insists. He doesn’t want us to stay in just because of him–though we stay in more often than not. Getting drunk…well, we’re so big it takes a whole fucking lot, and we also tend to, well, lose control. It’s best if we…stay inside, together.


I just feel like such a fucking failure. They don’t want me to take it too hard, winter is…rough, but I feel like I failed them. I’m…I’m the leader, somehow, and they trust me, and I did my best, and we all agreed to come back, to change back, but now here we are, back with the people, and we all hate it so much. I can already smell the lake slipping away, moving away, god, if we don’t find it again come Spring, fuck. We aren’t meant for this world. The only time we can transform is when we’re in bed together. Even then, we can’t do everything we want. We want to make all of the noises, all of the growls and roars and howls and oinks and squeals and grunts and fucks that we fucking want to. I start to think that we should have just stayed out there, even if we starved to death. I can’t do that to Saul and Jim though. I need to figure something out. If we can get more people, we can get more skills, more hunters, more foragers, more contributors. I don’t think I can do this again.


I almost forgot about this journal. It’s been spring about a month now, and compared to being trapped in town, it’s like heaven. We ripped each other’s clothes off the moment we got far enough into the woods. And then we went at each other. I may have been a little too rough with them. I’m hoping Saul doesn’t get scars from those claw marks. But what do you expect, we’d been cooped up for what seemed like forever. Now we just have to find that damn cave again, just have to get home again. I…can almost smell it, maybe. I sniff along, but it leads me…to people, other hikers. Jim says it was the same with him–that I smelled like home somehow. Maybe…I think I have an idea, on how to get home. We met an older fellow, loves hiking and the woods, he smells so…strongly of it, and I can smell it through him, somehow. He was easy really, and he wants to see the cave himself…and I know we can get there, all of us together. With him. He’s the key, just like I was the key.


The final entry is the only newer entry that is dated.

June 7th, 2018

We can’t go back. We don’t want to go back anymore, but we can’t avoid it for now. But you–if you find this, you know what happened. Maybe you even feel the pull of it. You could find us too, if you want. If this is something you want. We…don’t want to go back to the world you know, and if you’re out here, you probably don’t either. You could come here though, join us. Trust your nose. Follow the trail–just do what comes naturally. We’re waiting for you, all of us. Come play, come live.


Further Notes

The journal was found on June 10th by two hikers who returned it to authorities when they left the trail. Both of the hikers were women. During their interrogation, both of them described a sensation of repulsion at the journal and it’s contents, mostly due to the way it smelled. Both of them, however, had heard of Peter Bishop’s disappearance, and brought the journal to town for the sake of evidence. When asked to describe this smell, one of them said, “It smells like a bear pissed all over it or something, it’s disgusting.” Most women describe a similar reaction. Men, however, find the scent mild, and somewhat intoxicating. A smaller number of men have a more troubling reaction, especially when exposed to object 4610-12-B.

4610-12B is a scrap of cloth that was stuffed in the back of the journal, between the last page and the back cover. It has been determined to be from a set of soiled underwear. Samples taken indicate it is predominantly soiled with sweat, urine, and semen. The scrap of cloth is classified as a class one contaminant. Access to it for further study is limited to level 5 access, and then, only permitted for women, who seem to remain immune to the contamination, though access is still highly discouraged. 4610-12B has been associated with five other missing persons cases, including two researchers. PPE and psychological supervision required for access.

Attempts to locate the Peter, Jim, Saul, and cave itself in the mountains have been unsuccessful. Various reasons have been posited, and you can see supplemental findings from these expeditions in files 4610-13 through 16. For details surrounding the disappearances of those exposed to the journal or the cloth, see files 4610-6 through 10. A full transcript of the journal’s entries can be found in file 4610-3.

Arctos: Mall (Part 8)

Ken didn’t know where he was, when he woke up. All he was aware of was that it was mostly dark, it smelled like both his dentist’s office and a barnyard, and he could hear some…rather inhuman racket coming from somewhere around him, through the walls. The noises were disturbing–some of them were squawks and roars and howls, other sounds were like claws running across plates of metal, and some were even cries and moans of lust. He tries to sit up and get a better look around him, but he couldn’t–his wrists and ankles were shackled to the hospital gurney he’d woken up on, and looking up around, he saw that he was hooked up to all manner of monitoring devices, with an IV drip pumping into his arm.

He struggled for a couple of minutes, trying to get loose, but it was no use. He wasn’t sure whether he should cry out for help or not–juding from the sounds around him, he might not want anything else to know he was here. Where in the world was Harris, and what did this have to do with offering him some sort of job? In the end, he decided to stay quiet–this was just some…misunderstanding, he was sure. He just had to explain himself, and when Harris came back, he’d let him go, right? It wasn’t like he was some deranged psycho–why in the hell would someone like that be running a pet store?

It was quite a while before he heard the door to the room unlock, and then Harris stepped into the room–but he wasn’t wearing the mostly normal clothes he’d had on before. Now, instead, he was dressed head to toe in rubber, including a thick rubber apron hanging off his front. “There’s my newest test subject–I hope you haven’t been waiting awake too long. I had some other business and subjects to attend to, you see.”

Ken had been wrong–clearly, this guy was absolutely a psycho. He started struggling again, tugging harder at the cuffs as Harris came closer to where he was on the gurney. With one gloved hand, he immobilized the arm with the IV drip in it, and shoved a syringe into the receptacle, and after a few moments, Ken felt a wave of euphoria wash over him, and he fell back against the bed with a sigh.

“There, isn’t that better? That should keep you feeling nice and pleasant for a while.”

“What…what are you doing to me? What was that?” Ken moaned and slurred at him.

“Oh, that was just a light sedative, with some fun mixed in. This, however, is what you should be worried about,” he said, and hooked up a bag to the IV. It was a bright yellow liquid, and Ken looked at it, and then back at Harris. “You see, men have such…unconventional tastes these days. It used to be that a brainwashed boy was enough, but now, they want all of these features and oddities. It takes so long to get the mix right for a client, and I always need test subjects. If it works like it should, you’ll go to the client, if it’s off, well, someone else will purchase you at a discount, I’m sure.”

Harris hooked the tube from the new liquid into Ken’s arm. He tried to fight, but everything felt so…heavy all of a sudden, even his eyes couldn’t really be bothered to move around in their sockets, opting instead to just stare up at the ceiling. “That’s good, just relax–it’ll be painful, but that little cocktail will cut out the worst of it, or at least, it should. Still, what’s a little pain in the end? It will just make you stronger, I assure you.”

With that, Harris stood back and sat down with a tablet, ready to observe and take notes, and all Ken could do was writhe weakly, rolling up, watching that strange yellow liquid slide into his body, his arm burning first, and then the sensation spread throughout. It was changing him–but how?

Alright, Ken is going to become a chimera! But what sort of chimera is up to you–you can choose up to three options below, and the most popular ones will get incorporated into Ken’s new form. Here’s the bonus poll for patrons as well!

Of Favors and Family – Episode 1 (Part 5)

It was going to be another half an hour or so, before they got to the place where Wade hoped Bart still lived, deep in the woods and mountains over the town, the places you avoided unless you had grown up there yourself. In the back seat, Jeremiah whimpered for a while, and then fell silent–the first time the pup had been quiet the entire day. Wade knew he should feel bad…but in all honesty, he didn’t. He’d liked it, fucking that pup’s hole like that. Not like…at his office, where the pups who gave it up to him were usually scared and resigned–not scared of him, but scared of the army. This was the first time he’d fucked someone who was scared of him–just him, not the power he had, or his reputation, or his rank. Just…him. It was a rush, and one he hadn’t really expected, and Wade was a bit terrified of just how…complete it made him feel. He wanted to do it again…and if he couldn’t find Bart, he really was tempted to just stash the boy somewhere around here for his own devices.

He parked the car at the end of a gravel path, barely wide enough to get the car down, and got out. It would be better to approach on foot, in any case. At least Bart was a congenial enough fellow, even if he didn’t like people all that much. The chances of him shooting Wade were slimmer than most of the rest of his family around here. Maybe not much slimmer, but…slimmer. Down the path, it opened up into a clearing, where a ramshackle house stood, one that had obviously been there for quite some time, and which had been expanded over the years, growing bigger and a bit sprawling as older rooms had fallen apart and been rebuilt, as the family had swelled and then contracted. There was smoke coming out of the chimney, which was a decent sign. Off to the side, of the clearing was an acre or so of tobacco growing–most of his family out here in the sticks made what little living they did off the land in one way or another, trading and bartering and squabbling amongst themselves to make ends meet. Bart’s great grandfather had happened upon tobacco as his wheelhouse, and Bart, apparently, was still growing enough to keep everyone in the mountains well stocked.

As he approached the house, Wade saw some movement over in the field, and a head popped up from the tobacco–one that he didn’t recognize as Bart’s. The pup, whoever he was, wasn’t nearly old enough to be Bart for one thing, and for another…he didn’t even look like a hound. He looked more like a labrador, with a thick mane of golden blonde hair, a bit matted and uncared for, but handsome all the same. Wade, however, wasn’t going to take any risks, and he help up his hands, indicating that he was approaching unarmed. He didn’t know who this fella could be, but one thing was for sure–he wasn’t family. No one in his family would stoop to have anything to do with any dog other than a fellow hound, and certainly not a labrador! There were only a few reasons why he might be here–and none of them bode well for Bart, or for Wade’s luck in finding a place to stash Jeremiah that would save his own hide.

The lab just stared at him, looking a bit dull eyed and fuzzy, like he wasn’t quite sure of what to make of a visitor. He gave his head a shake, and that seemed to cause a bit of clarity to come to him–much to Wade’s surprise, the lab took a look around, and then bolted towards him through the rows, still looking around, ducking low, like he didn’t want someone to see him. Wade backed away, not at all sure of what the young pup’s intentions might be, and he fell down at his feet, looked up at Wade, and whined. “Please–ya gotta git me outta here, I…I forgot, a lot, he made me forget stuff, but I…” he whined again, obviously searching for words, “I ain’t supposed tah be here! I…Help me, please help me…”

Wade just froze, not at all sure what was going on, and before he could really appraise the situation, the door of the house burst open, and an old hound strode out, cocked a shotgun, and leveled it at Wade. “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, showin’ up here, but you best step the fuck away from mah boy, if ya don’t want a whole bunch of buckshot in that…” the hound paused, gave the air a sniff, and then squinted at Wade through the scratched glasses he was wearing, “Wait a minute, Wade, is that you? I know that fuckin’ smell anywhere.”

“Uh, hay Bart…sorry tah drop in so unexpectedly…” Wade said, still eyeing the shotgun Bart was holding towards him, until the older hound pulled it up, and he relaxed. The one person who didn’t relax was the lab on the ground between them. He was cowering, and whimpering, and shaking, and in a complete terror.

“Don’t you mind none, Wade! I always got time fer family, ya know that. Didn’t think ya’d be comin’ back, not after ya got intah the army. What was that…a couple years ago?”

“It’s…uh, more like twenty.”

Bart gave his whiskers a scratch, like he was mulling over some stuff in his head. “Fuckin’ smoke,” he muttered eventually, “Lose track of shit…Eh, two, twenty, what’s it matter! I’m just happy tah see ya…” he said, and pulled a beat up looking pipe from the front pocket of his overalls, and started filling it with some tobacco from the pouch at his waist. “As for the boy here, don’t mind him, he’s pretty fuckin’ dull, and don’t really got much sense. Just helps me out with the crop round here, is all.”

Wade looked from Bart, down at the lab curled up on the ground, and then back at Bart–and he could tell that something here wasn’t adding up right, not at all. Bart had never been one for help, or company–the only company he was interested in was a hole, usually, and now that he was standing here, looking at him…he could remember more…in fact, how in the hell had he forgotten so much of this? Bart…had liked him. Liked him a lot, liked his ass a lot, and Wade…had just let him fuck him, whenever his older cousin had asked for it, and he’d never been able to say no. Bart…had told him that he wanted him to come deeper into the mountains with him, live with him, be…his, but before he’d been able to, he’d gotten sucked up into the army in town, and he’d never been back. He’d forgotten all of this, and remembering it now, it was like some strange part of his head had opened up again, and when he looked down at the young pup, he realized something else–he realized that he knew exactly who this young lab was.

It had been about five years ago, when a young, poor lab from the poor side of town had gone missing. Wade remembered him–he’d been a new recruiter then, the war had been fresh, things had felt…hopeful, and then the young fellow had just up and disappeared overnight, and no one could find him anywhere. His mother claimed he’d been abducted, but no one had been able to explain how a strapping young lab could just be whisked off into the night with no evidence. In the end, the disappearance was explained as a runaway, and he was swept under the rug back in town…but apparently, he hadn’t run off into the city, like everyone had thought. He’d…run into the mountains? No–it was clear he didn’t want to be here, he–had Bart…

“So, what are you doing here, Cousin?” Bart asked, breaking Wade from his revelation. He’d finished packing his pipe, and was no toasting the top with a match, getting ready to light it properly.

“I…well, it’s a bit complicated. Maybe we could go inside, and talk about it?”

“It ain’t about my boy, right? He is mine, you know.”

“It’s not about him, no. I–you know what they say, blood is thick around here, Bart, it ain’t my business.”

Bart sighed, struck another match, and lit the pipe properly this time, puffing thick clouds of grey smoke out into the air around him. Some of it wafted in Wade’s direction, and as soon as he smelled it, he knew the scent. It made him sick to his stomach, it made him horny, it made him want to run, but his feet were somehow frozen to the dirt under his boots. Bart took his time, waved the match out, and then walked over to where Wade and the pup were. “I wish I could believe ya, cousin, but I don’t think your blood is as thick as you claim it is, since ya went and ran off, ya know? Still, can’t say I’m too surprised that you came running back here–I did always want you to feel safe. You feel safe here, don’t you?”

What was happening to him? Wade could…feel all of these memories swarming up around him, so much that he’d forgotten, so much that he’d wanted to forget. Going into the army, he’d been able to focus on something else, on becoming someone else, someone other than the runt running around in the woods and hills, getting into scrapes, making nothing of himself, getting sucked into whatever web Bart had been weaving, so much time spend in this…this smoke, his mind almost a constant haze for months, before he got plucked from it by a recruiter at the high school before he could drop out…

Why had he come here? It had seemed like such an obvious decision, back in the car. These woods, and these sounds and these smells…when was the last time he’d even been back here, that he could recall? Back when his mother died? Perhaps. It had always held such anxiety, but he’d never been able to piece it together, and had always just attributed it to some general resentment of his hill upbringing…but there was so much more, so much that he had forgot…

Bart walked up, waved a paw in front of Wade’s face, but the hound’s eyes were drooping more than usual, and didn’t seem interested in focusing on him at all. Bart exhaled a plume of smoke into his snout, just to be sure, and then bent down, fed a bit of smoke to the boy at Wade’s feet. “Boy, were you going to try to get away from me?”

“Y-Yes Pa, but…but I…”

“Hush boy,” Bart said, “Go down in the cellar, and get in your cage–we’re gonna have a long talk later.”

The pup started whining again, but did as Bart told him, stumbling back to the house, around the side, and down into the cellar underneath, leaving Bart and Wade alone next to the field, both of them wreathed with smoke. Bart waved a bit of it away, and snapped his paw in front of Wade’s snout, jostling him from his memories for a moment, to realize he was…still there. There as himself, not as some lanky teenage pup, terrified as his older cousin groped him in the underbrush, smoking, telling Wade how…happy they would be together. How he knew exactly what Wade needed, how Wade was going to be everything that Bart needed and wanted too. But he wasn’t there. That…was the past. It was the past, and he…he was here, later.

“Alright Wade, what the fuck are you doing here? You going to try and drag me back to town or something?”

Wade shook his head, swallowed a couple of times and tried to get the words in his head to organize themselves in a manner than could make sense. In spurts and false starts, he managed to tell Bart about Jeremiah, the pup in his car, handcuffed. The deal he had cut with him to get him out of enlisting in the army, but how the plan had gone awry, and…and what Wade had done in the underbrush, and how he’d brought him here, because…because he was safe here. Because he…he’d somehow known that his cousin would know what to do, and might be able to help.

Bart was skeptical at first, but he knew that the smoke would draw out the truth–Wade wouldn’t be able to lie with this much of it in his system, or at least, not lie well. He told Wade to show him back to his car down the path, and when they got there, Jeremiah was still in the backseat, still terrified. As soon as Bart opened the door, Jeremiah tried to kick him, but the he told Wade to help him hold the boy down, got some smoke in Jeremiah’s face, and his face eventually went a little slack as Bart’s special blend entered the pup’s system, giving Bart a chance to…admire him.

After Wade had run off, all those years ago, Bart had…well, he’d been furious at first, and then that fury had subdued to some extent, and he’d been content to just soldier on as best he could, alone, getting the occasional fuck from the boys of the family in the woods when he needed one, but…none of them had really interested him in the way Wade had. Still, that loneliness had only grown, as years had gone by, until in his desperation, Bart decided to…try something incredibly risky, something he would have never imagined doing, had he not hit a level of crushing desperation–he started going into town. Once a week, maybe, he’d get the old truck running, drive the hour or two to get there, and he would walk up and down the streets, looking at the young pups going home after school, admiring them…and then…he chose one, a runty labrador, seventeen or eighteen, who always walked home alone, and one day, Bart struck up a smoky conversation with him…and a few weeks later, the pup ran away from home, ran off into the hills where Bart picked him up, and took him home with him.

It had been…difficult, getting the boy to an agreeable state. With Wade, in their youth, the blends he’d found to work him over were powerful enough to subdue him in the moment, but hadn’t left much room for Bart to manipulate him, often because Wade rarely seemed to recall much of anything from their encounters in the brush. With this new pup, Trent, he had been able to work on his blends, finding ones that were gentler, and more insidious. The pup no longer could remember much of his youth back in town (though he still knew the vague outline of it, and knew that Bart held him here under his control) but it had been enough to suck the resistance from him, enough to let the pup out into the sun to help with the crops at the very least, though almost always supervised. Obviously he had misjudged the pup to some extent, but he was confident that could be remedied. All of this could be remedied. In fact, all of this was, as far as Bart was concerned, turning out to be more of a boon than he could have hoped. Not only had Wade returned him him after all of these years, but he’d brought a most delightful little gift along with him, one far nicer than the mangy pup he’d settled for on the streets of the town a few years ago. Not only was this one handsome, and vigorous, and even a bit plump–he was a hound! Bart had always been a bit disgusted with himself for settling for a labrador, but this–well, perhaps he might have a proper son after all.

“Alright cousin, I think I can definitely help you out with your little problem here,” Bart said, talking to Wade while he felt Jeremiah’s body with his paws, testing it, groping it, seeing how the pup reacted to him. “But don’t think…don’t think this fixes what you did, Wade, when you went and ran off on me.” Bart stood back up and fed Wade some more smoke, feeling him as well, remembering how the he had felt back then…and he couldn’t help himself, he’d thought he’d never get another chance again, but now…

“Strip, Wade, strip, and tell me how much you want my cock in that hole of yours, right here. Tell me how much you’ve missed having your big cousin fuck the daylight outta ya.”

Wade…didn’t want to do this. He’d never wanted to do this, even when he was a teenager…but the words were falling out of his mouth, and he was on his paws next to the car, pants down, Bart behind him, cock sliding free of his sheath, and then sliding into Wade’s hole. It was…hard, to try and focus. His memories kept slipping–was he a pup, or was he older? How old was Bart behind him, anyway? It felt like just yesterday that he’d been fucked by him for the first time, just was raw, just as traumatic, even as his brain and his mouth, at Bart’s prompting, told him how much he loved it, all of it, how much he’d missed this.

Bart finished quickly, something that Wade was thankful for. Then, together, they dragged the incapacitated Jeremiah out of the car and hauled him to the house up the path, and then down into the cellar as well. There, Trent was in a small cage against one wall, still whimpering and whining, and Jeremiah was thrown in with him, Bart telling them both to be good pups, behave, and be quiet. Then, he turned to Wade, told him that the two of them needed to have a chat, and then Wade could be on his way–for the moment.

It was long after sunset by the time Wade finally managed to work his way back to his car, a second load of his cousin’s cum leaking down the inside of his thighs…but things were clearer now, that they’d talked. Wade…knew why he’d come back here–why he’d brought Jeremiah here. He’d…felt so guilty, for so long. He hadn’t known it, he hadn’t even realized it, but the reason he was so deeply unhappy, the reason behind his cynicism, and his self-loathing, and his corruption, was all guilt. Guilt that he’d run away, and left Wade, all those years ago. But Jeremiah was a new start–a peace offering, and thankfully, Bart was more than happy to forgive Wade all of his sins of his youth, so long as Wade agreed to…help him out. And in return? Bart would help him too. He would help Wade too–and give him what he really needed. He needed family. He needed these woods. But mostly, he needed Bart’s smoke, and his cock–everything else would follow from there.

Of Favors and Family (Part 4)

“Well Jeremiah, I’m gonna level with you. You’re a bit late with the blackmail, because your dad is already threatening the same thing, and honestly? His word in my favor is going to count quite a bit more than the words of you and your friends, whether you have a tape or not.”

Jeremiah went a bit pale at that, but didn’t say anything.

“But I’ll tell you what–maybe we can come to a compromise. You won’t have to go to war, and your dad will think you’ve gone to war. Wait a couple of years, come back, honorably discharged, and everything will be just fine.”

“How the hell is that going to work?”

“I grew up around here–still have lots of my family pack living up in the hills around here. They keep to themselves–I’m the only one around here who even knows where they live. You stay with them, and I’ll cover for you here.”

“Bullshit, I’m not going to live in the fucking hills with a bunch of dumb mutts!”

“Well, even if you stay here, you really think your dad is gonna stop trying to get you sent off? You’re going to war one way or another, whether I get you there, or someone else. You’re going to have to give up something, if you don’t want to die in Vietnam–because trust me, I know, when I send a boy off, if I’m sending him to die–and you wouldn’t last very long–and I have seen a great many young men in my office, and my accuracy would haunt you, trust me.”

Jeremiah was weakening, and Wade refused to budge. In the end, he gave in, signed the enlistment form, but didn’t get on the bus with the rest of the recruits at four in the afternoon. Instead, he called his friends, told them he was going into hiding, but to hide the tape in case anything happened to him, and then got in Wade’s car and drove off into the hills.

He’d told him to wait in the car. That had been close to half an hour ago, and Jeremiah was growing more and more suspicious by the minute that all of this was bullshit cooked up by this idiot recruiter to buy himself more time. They’d been driving for hours now, following twisting back roads up hills and back down into valleys, going deeper into the country than Jeremiah had ever been himself, where his nannies had told him when he was younger feral packs of hounds and wolves still roamed around, looking for trouble. Those had all just been stories of course, but there were old families out here–hell, Jeremiah knew he came from a few of them himself. All the hounds in the city could trace themselves back here one way or another, Wade too, he was sure. But why park here, and tell him to sit tight? He had no idea where he was, he had no way to get help. He was starting to wonder if he was the idiot for agreeing to these terms at all.

The sun was setting, but he couldn’t see it behind the ridge. He was already in shadow down here, the light growing dimmer with each passing minute. They hadn’t eaten all day long, and his stomach kept growling louder each time. Could he really do this? Live out here in the sticks? Now that he was here, it just seemed…so damn uncivilized. It…only had to be for a little while. Long enough for his dad to think he really was shipped off, and then he could come back down and just skip town for a while, live with some sympathetic family one state over. Just a couple of months, and then he could have a normal life again.

There was a rustle of brush, and then Wade turned the corner on the dirt road, hauling ass, hat in hand. He slid to a stop by the car, nearly losing his footing, then climbed in, fumbling with his keys.

“Are–what happened?”

“Shut the fuck up, and keep your head down.”

Jeremiah didn’t know what to think of that, until he heard the gunshot in the near distance, followed by a whoop.

“What the fuck was that?”

“Family issues, get your damn head down!”

The car started up, and Wade through it in reverse. A few overall clad cur-looking hounds bounded onto the road, holding rifles and shotguns, and leveled them at the car as it rolled back. Then, Jeremiah finally got down. They were lucky–none of the windows ended up getting busted out. Wade was sure it was meant more to scare him off than actually hurt him–he was, after all, family…just not as close to family as he might have been when he was younger. He’d been hoping for a slightly more sympathetic ear, but the great uncle who had been the local alpha a decade back had passed on, leaving his much more…aggressive son to take the helm of the family. The negotiation had started strong, until the alpha wanted to test the newcomer for the purity of his bloodline, and Wade had made…a misstep or two, and now he was rolling back down the road, night falling, cursing himself for being an idiot.

“What the fuck–are those the fucks you were going to have me stay with?”

“I never said it was going to be a hotel.”

“They were fucking shooting at us!”

“Well, usually they’re a bit more welcoming to family.”

Wade slid the car to a halt, now that he was sure the pack wasn’t following them, and sighed, wondering what to do now. There were a few other pockets of family around that he could check on, but he’d thought this one might be most…accommodating, and now that he’d riled up one part of the family, leaving Jeremiah with another chunk was liable to rekindle old feuds.

“I’m done with this–take me home,” Jeremiah said.

“This is not a deal you can back out off just because you’re a little uncomfortable now.”

“Look at those crazy fucks! I’m not staying with them!”

“Boy, if you go back now, your daddy will ship you off himself.”

“If you don’t take me back, then I’ll make sure that tape sees the light of day, as soon as I get word to my friends.”

“Yeah? And how the fuck do you plan on getting back there?” Wade said.

Jeremiah just glared at him, and then got out of the car. “I’ll fucking walk.”

Wade…had not expected that, and so he didn’t quite know what to say. Walking back was impossible of course–they were a good 20 miles away from town at this point, and he knew Jeremiah hadn’t been paying well enough attention to get back there. He couldn’t risk it though–and he also…well, he might be alright with the cocky brat getting a limb blown off in the jungle, half a world away, but the thought of him getting lost and dying in the woods (and with it being far more directly his own fault) wasn’t something he wanted to live with. Wade got out of the car, and started after him. “Hey–get your ass back here, we had a fucking deal boy.”

“The deal is off, faggot–I’m done. Once I get back there, the whole fucking town is going to know what a pervert you are, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Wade growled, and wished he’d brought his pistol along–not to hurt him, but a shot between his legs would do more to straighten the boy out than pretty much anything else. He felt the cuffs there on his belt…Jeremiah was younger than him, and probably a bit more fit…but he had a feeling he wasn’t particularly used to roughhousing. Wade on the other hand–well he had too much at stake to lose. He charged at Jeremiah’s back and slammed into him, knocking them both to the ground where they rolled about and tussled. Jeremiah was surprised that someone would dare attack him–anyone, and when Wade landed a paw across his face, leaving a nice scratch across his cheek–he just laid there, stunned. Pain, apparently, wasn’t something he was accustomed to. It gave Wade an opening, and he rolled him over and cuffed him on the ground, panting a bit…and his cock hard in his uniform slacks.

“You fucking piece of shit, get these fucking things off of me?”

Wade just watched him squirm there, and fuck, if it wasn’t turning him on something fierce. He’d only cuffed a few boys in the past, usually one’s he’d already broken in, or who were enjoying the treatment themselves, and every time, it had been…a rush. But what could he do? They were in the middle of the woods, night falling…and he wanted that ass, badly. He’d wanted that ass this whole time, but had been restraining himself out of a sense of respect for Jeremiah and his father–well, his respect had run out, and Wade had a feeling a good, rough fuck would put the runt in his place faster than words could anyway.

Jeremiah had managed to push himself up onto his knees, and Wade shoved him back down, snout first, into the dirt, and then got on top of him. Jeremiah began to struggle further, now that he could more…directly feel the older man’s erection, and he started to shout for help.

“Who the hell do you think is going to come save you boy?” Wade said, “Everyone out here is my kin–not yours. They won’t take too kindly to a racket like that–but I’ll be in the car and gone, and it’ll just be you out here, cuffed and alone…and shoot you in the back is the kindest they can be to an outsider like you–trust me. I know all the old stories…”

Wade tugged down Jeremiah’s pants and underwear, running one of his claws up the boy’s crack, feeling him shiver. He undid the fly of his pants, and his cock was already hard and out of its sheath–he thought about warming the boy up…but he didn’t deserve it, and honestly, Wade liked hearing them shout, and beg, and pull away from him. It made it all the more exciting. He pressed the head to Jeremiah’s ring, and felt the boy try and crawl away–he didn’t get far, and Wade bore down, sliding the head in, and then the shaft, shuddering with pleasure as jeremiah started shouting in pain and anger. Wade ground the boy’s snout into the dirt, hard enough to make him shut up, and started fucking him, driving his cock in deeper, inch by inch, with each thrust, panting as he did, feeling how close he was. “Maybe I should just take you home with me boy instead–keep you in my basement. You have a real nice hole, I have to say. Better than Ashton and Dusty–I’ll be sure to tell them that, next time I see them.”

Jeremiah was whining now, just wanting it to be over. It was…less sexy, but probably better. Wade pumped a little faster, pulled out, and nutted all over his ass, tugging his pants back up, watching the cum seep into the fabric in the twilight, before hauling the boy upright, and half dragging him back to the car, and shoving him in the backseat.

The fuck had helped clear his mind, and had also brought back some…memories, of fucking in these woods with his family, usually during family reunions that seemed to be happening less and less as of late. Still, when he’d been a cub, around Jeremiah’s age or a bit younger, he and his cousins had run off regularly to go “exploring”, though they spent most of their time exploring each other some days. But one memory in particular stood out to him–of his third cousin, Bart, once removed (that is, his great great grand aunt’s grandson–one generation older than he was) had caught him and another boy playing…and joined in. He’d…particularly enjoyed fucking Wade that afternoon, but he seemed to have a thing for cubs around that age–around Jeremiah’s age. He’d be pushing sixty at this point, but Wade knew he lived alone, and that he was on generally good terms with the rest of the family. He’d probably be more than willing to keep an eye on Jeremiah, especially if he could get a fuck out of it. Sure, giving Jeremiah to his family as a sex slave was going to…complicate returning him later, but he was low on options, and as far as he was concerned, Jeremiah deserved it.

He put the car in gear, and drove off again–thankfully, Bart’s shack wasn’t too far off from here–assuming he still lived there. Then again, Bart’s family had lived there for ages, though Bart was, as far as Wade could recall, the last of the line. He took a little too firmly to cock, to be able to pick out a wife and bed her for an heir–or maybe that had changed too, in the last few years. Still, he was an old hound, and particularly stubborn, as far as Wade could recall. He doubted much would have changed.

Of Favors and Family: Episode 1 (Part 3)

Jeremiah Hawthorne’s appointment at the recruitment office was for three in the afternoon on Monday, the bus for new recruits left the office each day at four. Wade was in his office, waiting, and the young hound didn’t show up until ten after, which made things a bit easier, really. Both because it was ten less minutes he had to keep him here, and because he felt much better about sending off young men who were late, than those who had the decency to actually be on time for their appointments. Even if he wasn’t under threat from the boy’s father to send him away, he probably would have done so anyway, since he made him wait.

Jeremiah did arrive eventually–it was clear he believed he was here for an exemption, from the way he held himself, the smug smile on his snout. Wade wasn’t going to feel particularly bad about this one at all. “So, can we make this quick? I have a date tonight, and I still need to go home and get ready. What do you need from me?”

“Oh, I’ve handled everything already for you. A bad case of bone spurs. All I need is your signature here, at the bottom,” Wade said, turning around the enlistment form he’d already filled in for the young man, aside from the signature. “One John Hancock, and you’re good to go.”

“John Hancock?”

“Your signature, son, sign on the line.”

“Why do I have to sign anything?”

“You have to attest that you understand the terms of your exemption,” Wade said, hoping he’d just buy a bit of bullshit, and sign his life away to the war already.

“Pa says to never sign anything I haven’t read over.”

“Your Pa helped arrange this last night, Jeremiah. Now hurry up.”

He was suspicious, and Wade supposed he had a right to be so. After all, in his shoes, Wade would have been suspicious too. Beauregard had been pressuring Jeremiah to enlist since before the draft had even started–and now, suddenly, he had changed his mind? The young hound picked up the sheet and started reading it, and Wade sighed. He’d just have to do this the hard way, then.

“Wait a minute, this says, ‘agrees to enlist–” but before he got anything else out, Wade was up, and had him shoved up against the wall. He slipped one handcuff on the young hound’s wrist, and then the other, and shoved him down into a chair by the door. “What the fuck is this shit! I’m not signing a fucking enlistment form! Pa said you were going to get me an exemption. Let me go, you mutt, or I’ll sue you into fucking oblivion!”

“Unfortunately, Jeremiah, your Pa had other plans. He wants you in the army, one way or another–so you have two options. You can either sign this paper here and go willingly, and I’ll pull a few strings, without your daddy knowing, to get you a decent deployment after basic training, or you can throw a fit, and we’ll ship you off with a forged criminal record, which basically means you’re cannon fodder. Either way, you’re going on the bus in an hour, whether you want to or not.”

“Fuck, I knew it was too fucking good to be true…” Jeremiah said, “Look–I know what you like. I’ll suck you off.”

An alarm bell went off in Wade’s mind. The young hound hadn’t said that with the air of desperation they usually used, when they begged for mercy at the end of his dick. He sounded smug–and how the hell did he even know about that, anyway? “That ain’t gonna work, boy.”

“It works for Ashton Everett, and Dusty Willis.”

Friends of his–Wade should have known those two wouldn’t keep their mouths shut, but they were both…sweet, and Wade had a soft spot for sweet, on occasion, especially since they both had to pop back around every couple of weeks to see if their bone spurs had healed up yet. Wade leaned against the desk–even if the boy knew, it wouldn’t help him, and Ashton and Dusty were about to find out just how fast bone spurs could heal. “Sorry. No deal this time. Now, are you gonna sign this paper, or are you gonna go die in a jungle? It doesn’t matter to me one bit, but it’s going to matter a whole lot to you.”

“No, here’s what’s going to happen–you’re going to unlock these cuffs, give me an exemption, or I’m going to take the recording I have of you fucking Dusty’s ass, and have it sent to your superiors. How do you think they’ll feel about that?”

“Boy, don’t bullshit me.”

“I’m not bullshitting, sir, if I don’t arrive on time for that date tonight, that tape will be in the mail tomorrow.”

Was he bluffing? Probably, but could Wade really take that risk? Then again, if he did let him loose, Beauregard would have word sent to his superiors anyway about his…dalliances. It didn’t matter what he did–so which was going to be worse for him? The word of the father, who was well regarded in various circles of the military, especially locally? Or a possible tape recording, delivered anonymously, but perhaps with much more damning contents? He was…rather loud when he was with a young man, especially Dusty. He had seemed rather eager last week, and a bit…too descriptive, of what was going on. More so than usual, at least. There was a chance he could talk his way out of either one–after all, he did meet his quotas regularly, and that was all that really mattered as far as the army cared–but Wade had never been one to take chances like this, and Lizzie…she already suspected enough. With word like this getting out, she would likely take off, along with his son. But what could he do? He couldn’t exactly fake Jeremiah getting enlisted into the army…right? Then again, maybe he could.

Of Favors and Family (Part 2)

Having known Beau for quite a long time now, Wade supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised by his request–but he’d gotten so used to helping wealthy men of alleged character and patriotism get their prized sons out of the war, that finding one eager to send his son away was a surprise all the same. “With your connections, I’m sure I could find him a spot as an officer,” Wade said, but Beau just laughed.

“Jeremiah couldn’t lead a blind horse to water. Do you want him to murder an entire platoon in the jungle? No–basic infantry, just like I was. If he wants to survive, he’s going to have to prove he has what it takes–though I sincerely doubt he has the guts.”

Wade nodded, “If that’s what you want, the army will always have a need for strong young men,” Beau chuckled a bit on the word strong, but Wade pressed on, “but the draft is going plenty strong–why not just…wait? After all, I can’t force him to sign enlistment papers.”

Beau leered at Wade around his pipe, “I may be old, Wade, but I can still smell a two timing skunk from a mile off. I know about the little deals you have running with some of the young men around these parts–and I even know about those little examinations you do at your office, after hours, with more than a few of them. What is it you say–that you won’t excuse them from service for something like homosexuality without a bit of…evidence first?” he took a sip, “Does your wife know about your taste for teenage whelps, I wonder?”

Wade remained stoic. He wouldn’t give him a denial–if Beau had wanted him found out, he would have been carted away by an MP by now. He wanted something still–though Wade hadn’t given him nearly enough credit, apparently.

“I will admit to…having enjoyed the company of the men on my platoon, on occasion. There’s really no harm in a bit of comradery, when one is without the pleasure of a proper bitch. I can forgive you your…infidelity and perversion, so long as my son is on that bus. Forge his signature–I’ll attest to its validity, even if he denies it. Promise him whatever you’d like–a position as an officer, if you’d like. Hell, examine him if he’s…your type, but my worthless son is going to need a war if he’s ever going to grow up and make something of himself. I’d rather he come back in a box than tarnish this family’s name by running around town, proud of his cowardice. Jeremiah may have been led to believe by his mother that I have listened to her pleas, and am presently persuading you to draw up and document…reasons for him to be exempted from service, even should his number come up in the draft. I will likely allow them both to believe that up until the bus pulls up tomorrow afternoon. All you need to do is keep the rascal in your office until then–and no one will need to know anything about the sordid little things you do on your own time. I’ll even defend your honor as if it were my own. Now, do we have an understanding?”

As far as Wade was concerned, this was easier than what he’d been expecting. Less paperwork, and he’d be one young soldier closer to meeting his quarterly quota. He agreed, and their conversation drifted off to other topics, though as the old hound across from him drank more and more bourbon, he was fairly certain that Beauregard kept sneaking glances down at his crotch. Apparently, someone hadn’t had any comradery in quite a while–perhaps he missed it. Wade wouldn’t have objected–despite what Beauregard had hinted at, Wade didn’t have an interest in young men in particular. Rather, he enjoyed the desperation, and the control he had over them more than anything else. Beauregard was too proud to be a good lay, as handsome as he was. It wouldn’t hurt to keep that information in his back pocket, all the same. They each finished their pipes, and Wade excused himself. Amber Hawthorne and Wade’s wife, Lizzie, were in the dining room gossiping about the business around town when they emerged–they said their goodbyes, and left. Lizzie knew better than to ask about what Wade and Beauregard had discussed, though she had her suspicions of course. Wade didn’t broach the topic–he was cool towards her, as he was always, all the way back to their home, where their son was already tucked in by the babysitter. Just another normal night. Halfway around the world, it was daytime, and young dogs, cats, pigs, and everyone else was fighting for their lives, if not for their country. Wade wondered if it should bother him more, the whole business. Then again, if it hadn’t bothered him yet, he doubted that it would any time soon.